Tuesday, November 15, 2022


I just had two scary dreams. It is not often that I have them so I figure it means a lot when I do. I dreamed that my brakes were going out so I saw my previous mechanic. He took me on a drive to test the brakes but to his house. That made sense in my dream because I liked him. His house was a total dump though. We talked about living together and then he showed me his photo album. It was full of what looked like witch doctors and "church services" where kids were being molested. People were getting slain in the spirit and falling back. Crowds were breaking out and having seizures. I was appalled while looking at the pictures which came to life as if they were videos. 

In my first dream there were two demon kids trying to get in my house. They seemed to have special powers. They kept biting me and each other. They acted like possessed dogs. No matter how hard I tried, I could not keep them out. Finally I told them to go to the lake down the road and locked them out. They flew away as if they were witches and kept trying to hurt each other. 
Those were the strangest and scariest dreams I have ever had. May God watch over me. 

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