Friday, February 23, 2018

Great Logical Reasons to NOT Vaccinate

These are the best points I read from this article. Thank God for her!

This is her MOST important point. πŸ˜€

”Insurance companies, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, often encourage doctors to fully vaccinate their patients by providing bonuses of up to $40,000 a year (if not more)! Doctors must meet a certain percentage to qualify for the bonus or they will lose their bonus. This helps to explain why some doctors are so “persistent” in only seeing fully vaccinated patients. Additionally, doctors may be penalized and denied their bonuses if they report any adverse reactions from vaccinations.” Yep

Sad face to this. :(

“Surprisingly enough most anti-vaxxers are just ex-vaxxers. Many of us (myself included) were once pro-vax and believed the lies that surrounded the vaccine industry and their “lifesaving capabilities.” And just like most pro-vaxxers, we want to keep our children safe and believed that health could be as simple as the tip of a needle. We handed our children over to those we thought we could trust without question and abided by the CDC schedule while rolling our eyes at those who that tried to warn us of the dangers and corruption. It wasn’t until we were faced with the consequences of vaccines and experienced first-hand the dangerous side effects from vaccines in our own children that we finally woke up and fell down what we call “the rabbit hole.” This is why so many of us have become so vocal and passionate on the subject – we only want to prevent your child(ren) from experiencing the same injuries/death and to prevent you from experiencing the same heartache that so many of us have had to go through. Unlike vaccine manufacturers, doctors, and the CDC, we literally have nothing to gain from this. So maybe it’s time to start questioning why we are willing to risk so much and be ridiculed if we have nothing to gain. Either way, whether you believe us or not, the science is on our side and the truth will eventually come out.”

A big amen to this! “Mandatory vaccination laws, such as SB277 and SB792 in California, are technically illegal and go against every United States citizen’s fundamental right to have freedom of choice over their body and their choice of medical decisions. Forcing vaccines on unwilling individuals should be an indication of the corruption within the government and vaccine industry.”

Haha yes I bet they do “The CDC simply cannot be trusted to be unbiased in their vaccine studies. A whistleblower case involving Dr. William Thompson (head researcher during the time of the study determining whether or not there was a link between the MMR and autism), revealed that not only does the CDC erase, adjust and/or change their studies to reflect an outcome they want, but if they cannot change the outcomes to show their results in a positive light, they will destroy all necessary documents.”

“Vaccines can and do cause death in people, especially infants and young children. SIDS is often times a result of vaccines and it is not just a coincidence that the majority of SIDS cases occur at 2, 4, and 6 months. If you look at countries that have the highest vaccination rates in comparison to countries that have the lowest vaccination rates, you will find that the higher the vaccination rate is, the higher the infant mortality is and vise-versa. In fact, the United States’ infant mortality rate on the first day of life is actually higher than all other industrialized nations’ infant mortality rates combined. This makes no sense considering we have some of the world’s best access to clean food, water, and medical steps, and have little disease impact.”

This is very interesting πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜

“Recent studies suggest that many of these “deadly” childhood diseases that we vaccinate against are actually beneficial to the human body. They help to effectively build up and strengthen the immune system by “teaching” the body how to successfully fight off future cancers and tumors. This happens due to the fact that the antigens found from measles, mumps, and chickenpox, etc. (benign childhood diseases) are very similar to various cancers and tumors, thus allowing the immune system to recognize cancer and tumor antigens right away and ultimately fight them off.”

Amen to this.

“Not one disease was “eradicated” because of vaccines. History reveals that mortality caused by measles, mumps, polio, diptheria, smallpox, and even scarlet fever (which had no vaccine), were already on the decline even before the vaccines were introduced. These rates continue to decline at the same pace even after the introduction of the vaccines – not faster which one might think. For example, in 1900, the mortality rate from measles was 13.3 deaths in 100,000; in 1940, the mortality rate was 0.5 in 100,000, and in 1960, the mortality rate was just 0.2 deaths in 100,000. The measles vaccine was not introduced until 1963.”

“Vaccines do not guarantee the prevention of disease. In fact, more often than not, vaccines fail, which results in people contracting the very disease they were trying to prevent. Review the pertuss-surv-report-2015 that show more vaccinated children got pertussis than the unvaccinated.”

“Vaccines do not guarantee the prevention of disease. In fact, more often than not, vaccines fail, which results in people contracting the very disease they were trying to prevent. Review the pertuss-surv-report-2015 that show more vaccinated children got pertussis than the unvaccinated.”

“10. Vaccine manufacturers are free of any legal liabilities, meaning they cannot be sued if your child is injured or dies – EVEN IF they intentionally put deadly toxins in (which they already do) that they know will harm and/or kill your children. This means that they have absolutely no incentive to do better or make their products safer. They are allowed to make billions of dollars off of their products every year without having any risk or responsibility in the matter. What other company or manufacturer do you know that is free of any and all liability like this? Spoiler Alert: NONE.

11. Vaccine injuries and deaths happen all the time and they are far more common than what we are led to believe. They are so common that because vaccine manufacturers could no longer be sued after 1986, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) had to be established. Since 1988, over 19,021 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29 year period, 16, 938 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,825 of those determined to be compensable, while 11, 113 were dismissed due to the program being extremely difficult to fight against. Even still though, the total compensation over the life of the program is approximately $3.8 Billion and counting. If more people, (especially doctors), were aware of vaccine injuries and didn’t dismiss or ignore them 99% of the time, could you imagine what the numbers within this program would be?”

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