Thursday, February 22, 2018


Vaccines on a Lowered Immune System

Another reason only some kids get autism from vaccines is the same reason why only some get a terrible flu from a flu vaccine. If you get a vaccine when you are sick, your risk is much greater of getting the actual disease you are vaccinated for.

Any article you read from the CDC etc about the flu vaccine or any vaccine says make sure you or your kid are not sick and have a lower immune system when you get a vaccine. Why do they tell you that? Because they know the risk of it badly affecting you or your kid’s body is much higher if their immune system is lower at the time of vaccination.

Think about it. If all your anti bodies are busy fighting off a current cold or infection, how can they also defend against the flu strain or measles strain that is coming into your system?

They say the virus strain is dead but it somehow triggers a response from the body to build up anti bodies against it in order to work. So whether it’s alive or dead it requires the body to go into emergency mode and work to defend itself. If the child is already fighting off a cold or flu, that’s a lot for their tiny little body to do. :(

So then how do you know for sure going into a vaccine if your child has the beginning of a cold or flu? Often times kids are starting to get a cold or flu and we don’t realize it.  Maybe the virus is in their body but symptoms are not showing yet.

So my theory, and this is just a theory, is that the kids who get vaccines when they have a flu or cold, already, are the ones who get autism or other health issues or even die from getting vaccines. :(

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