Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tithing and The Church

I am Christian but I am actually against tithing to a church. The Bible says to give to the poor, so those who want to give should start buying groceries for the homeless.  Rather then giving a whole 10 percent of their income to a rich church just so they can buy bigger speakers etc. give to those who are actually poor. There is not one verse in the New Testament about giving 10 percent to a building. The early church met in houses, not buildings. Really churches are just rich country clubs that we fund with our "tithes." We think we are giving to God and they tell us we are, but really we are just giving to a rich country club owner to build a nice place for us to hang out and escape our homes to. But why do people want to escape their own homes to go to this "church" club? Because they are running away from their responsibilities and their children. Parents should save for their kid's college or help buy their kid's first car rather then give any extra money away for some building. The Bible does say "if anyone does not provide for his own household he is worse than an unbeliever." I know there are cases where people can't afford to buy food for their family because they tithed too much. That is insane. Care for your family first and foremost. Give to your kids before you give to some country club church building. Spend time with your kids rather then spend all your time at some church with people you may only know a few years. Make sure your family always always comes first. That is what pleases God most. Amen. God bless :)

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