Friday, July 28, 2017

Feed the Poor Yourself

There are a lot of "Christian" con artists out there, like a ton, so beware of them.  They try asking you for money and say they will give it to the poor or to do God's work somehow, but how can you know they will? 

It's easy to just throw money at an organization, or some random person, and let them take care of feeding the poor for you, or you could do it yourself.  But why don't we?  Because we don't want to get our hands dirty.  Because we are so overly concerned for our personal safety.  Because we are....scared.  But "God did not give a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind."  Amen?  Amen.  Or we like to use the excuse that we don't have enough time.  But how many hours each day do you spend watching TV shows or movies?  Why not use that time to help the poor?

Don't just throw your money at someone else, who will hopefully spend it on feeding the poor, but you never can know for sure.  DO something yourself to feed the poor.  Go buy food yourself and give it to the poor directly.  Everyone knows where poor people can be found in their city.  They are usually standing on corners or by stop lights.  And yet most people just ignore them.  What did God say?  "13Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered."  Proverbs 21:13.  So beware of ignoring the poor. 

It's easy to judge them and think "they did something to deserve that" or "they do drugs or dink so they deserve to be homeless."  But do you take prescription drugs?  Then how are your drugs any better then the drugs they might take?  Do you drink on occasion?  Then how could you judge them for wanting to drink to forget the sorrows of being homeless?  "Take the speck out of your own eye" before you judge others.

Go buy them a burger rather then judge them.  Love don't judge.  :) 

God bless!

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