Saturday, April 4, 2015

An Odd Dream

I just had the strangest dream.  This might be just a science fiction dream of sorts that has no basis in reality; 0r it might have been a prophetic dream of sorts from God.  I have had a few of these end of the world dreams and I get the sense that God is trying to tell me something. 

In my dream I was sleeping in an old house when I woke up to a small flying saucer right above me.  It was so close I could touch it.  I wasn't afraid of it.  I went back to sleep.  Then I woke up and there was another one.  This time I knocked it to the ground and opened it up.  There was a tape in it playing music, as if that was part of the hoax to scare people.  Mostly it was just a speaker or satellite looking thing taking up the whole flying saucers.  It seemed it was just an instrument from the government to spy on people and listen to what anyone was saying.  I couldn't figure out how it got in the house though, because no windows or doors were open, but then I realized it came down the chimney, which was the only opening in the house. 

I left that house with another girl.  I was afraid that the government would come looking for their flying saucer device and that they would be mad that I took it apart. 

We saw masses of people flocking to an open field.  They were going to work for the government.  They were starving, homeless, and had nowhere else to go.  The government had some kind of jobs for them, but I didn't follow them to see what.  I just knew I definitely didn't want to go with them and that whatever they would be doing, I didn't want to do.  A possible interpretation of this could be that the jobs had something to do with persecuting and killing Christians.

The girl I was with pointed out our old big house and said to me, "What do you think of the estate now?"  Our house had been burned and raided.  It looked terrible. 

Then we noticed a neighbor of ours.  He was outside waxing his car and didn't seem to realize all the chaos in the world.  We asked him if we could sleep at his house for the night.  At first he didn't want to let us but then he said ok.  I asked him if his house had been broken into yet.  He looked at me as if to say "of course not."  Then I said to him, "Make sure you put us in the basement so if your house gets broken into they won't find us."  He said, "It's already set up that way."

We were going up by his front door and talking about the flying saucer I had seen.  He had left his door open, so a man from the mob of homeless people walked in to raid his fridge.  And then I woke up. :( 

Scary dream for sure.  Possibly prophetic, as in those are things that will happen someday, or it was just from watching too many sci-fi movies lol :)  It's hard to say.

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