Saturday, May 30, 2015

On Deserving the Best

I watched the movie "Mud" again. It really is quite a compelling story. Probably the most compelling story I have ever read about or seen in a movie. It's the common story of a good girl who goes for a bad guy, and the good guy tries to save her, which is so profound because that is the grander story. Eve fell from paradise and God, being the good guy, and went for the evil man, being Satan. And women, and men, do that every day; run away from the God who loves them so much into the abusive relationship of slavery to Satan, which is so sad.

I suppose also why the movie hits me so hard is because I was that girl in the movie. I made stupid choices and was with some bad guys. I think why I have always wanted to work with kids was to prevent the girls I worked with somehow from making the same stupid choices that I made. To all you parents out there, if little girls just know that someone really cares about them, that they are valued, they won't want to run off with idiotic and crazy guys. Don't make your little girls so thirsty for love that they will want to drink water that will poison them. I think girls/women get into relationships with bad guys who mistreat them partly because that's what they think they deserve, and partly just because a lot of guys out there are bad. I'm not saying all, but a lot. But to be fair, there are certainly a lot of crazy and abusive women out there too.

I have no idea who reads the things I write but I hope it makes somewhat of an impact. If you are a young person reading this I plead with you first, watch the movie "Mud" and two, learn from that girl's mistakes. Don't fall for some smooth talking guy who tells you a bunch of lies to get you to be with him. In the story, "Mud" or Matthew McConohay's characters kills a man who beats a girl that he deeply loves. The big question of the movie is, why didn't she just stay with this guy "Mud" instead of running off the with abusive guy? Why do women leave a loving man who cares about them and go off with some idiot guy? Having more money might be a reason, but it's not a good one. It's also that it's partly what they think they deserve. Some women get restless when there is peace. They get bored. They create drama or run away from a man who cares deeply about them. Whatever girls are raised in is what they become used to. If they are used to men disrespecting them, they will turn to that every time. They will think that deep down they don't deserve an honest and good caring guy that really loves them. This is the mentality of most abuse victims.

 I know this because this was my mentality for a long time. That's partly why I want to become a counselor someday if I can, because I understand. Most people might just not understand, but I know why girls make the bad choices that they do sometimes.

So for all you young girls out there, know that no matter what your past is, you deserve a great guy who really loves you and will take good care of you. You are made in the image of God and God wants you to be happy and well taken care of. God wants you to be treasured and valued by a great guy who can love you as much as He does. Don't go for someone who ignores you or cheats on you or disrespecs you in any way. Always remember that you deserve the best! Don't settle. Wait for your prince because he is out there and God will bring him to you when the time is right. Amen.
May God bless you all!

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