Saturday, August 13, 2016

On Being Healthy

I'm always thinking about how I'm doing health-wise physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  I've always tried to eat healthy by eating yogurt and very little candy or cookies or ice cream etc.  I've always tried to exercise some but was never very regular in my exercise.  It was usually just when I felt like exercising. 

But now I'm being the healthiest I've ever been in my life!  I eat bran muffins for breakfast every day that I make with pecans and chocolate chips. They are made with whole wheat flour and the chocolate chips help them taste more bearable lol. And I have wheat pasta with corn for lunch or dinner.  I make eggs for Ben and I everyday with beef, onions, and red and green peppers mixed in woot!  (you can buy that in a package at the store which is way easier than cutting everything up :)

Serenity and I now go for about a half mile walk every morning. I have never gone for a walk every day in my life actually.  Maybe a walk or a bike ride once a week, but that was the most before.

I think my recent gall bladder issues and surgery was a wake up call that I need to be more healthy for sure. 

And as far as my spiritual health, I watch a Joyce Meyer sermon almost every morning when I wake up now. Her saying she now walks 4 miles a day is partly what inspired me to be more healthy too.  Watching her also helps to improve my mental and emotional health as well. :)

And another emotional health thing I do is I'm now trying to write a love note to my husband to put in his lunch box every day.  Awe....I wrote love notes at the beginning of our marriage, like the first 6 months, but it kinda dwindled after that.  But I will pick up the good habit again and breath more life into our marriage that way yay! 

So for any of you that want to be more emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically healthy, here are my tips:

1. Go for a short walk every day, whether you feel like it or not. :)

2. Eat bran muffins and wheat pasta and veggies every day.  Canned veggies are good.  I've always heard frozen or fresh are better, but some veggies in some form are better than none. :)

3. Watch a Joyce Meyer sermon every day, or for the guys, Jimmy Evans is awesome.  Biblically men are mostly supposed to listen to a male preacher, as far as I understand from what the Bible says.  But Joyce Meyer is great for women!

4. And if you are in a relationship, write a love note to your significant other every day saying how grateful you are for them and what you like about them etc.  Breath life into your relationship and your own mental and emotional health.  Because the more grateful you are, the less resentful or bitter you will be.  When you force yourself to think only about the good things about your mate or life, you don't have time to think about any bad things.  Amen. :)

May God bless you all!

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