Saturday, January 14, 2017

Money Prison

My husband and I are trying a new system now.  I am being put in money prison lol.  At least it kind of feels that way.  He is now on a different account by himself that I don't have access to.  We had a joint account before.  We both agreed I was buying too many needless things on Amazon.  Be careful of that website.  It's very easy to spend more then you mean to.  I have always been allowed $50 a week to spend on fun stuff, like extra clothes we don't really need and posters etc., but sometimes it's hard to say what qualifies as fun stuff verses groceries or things we need. 

So now I get $50 cash each week to spend on clothes for me or the girls etc.  It's kind of a similar system to what my mom and step-dad have.  Before I was getting all the bills paid but now Ben will be doing that.

Joyce Meyer always says in her sermons that the man should be in charge of the finances.  I didn't agree with that for a long time, but Paul does refer to women as being the weaker partner.  I think he meant weaker because we don't know when to stop spending money, at least that's how it plays out in our modern world.  Satan tempts us easier I think, in certain things.  Both men and women have their struggles, but buying too much is definitely the women's struggle.  I'm sure some women are very self-controlled with that, but I think most of us aren't.

So I'm finally submitting to my husband and letting him control everything in regards to money.  He makes it so he should be the one who gets to control it really.  The turning point for me when I was willing to let go was actually when he quit smoking and drinking a beer a day a month ago and started buying salad things for us instead of pizza.  Then I felt that I could trust him to take care of me and do good things with any extra money he had.  :)

My flesh fought this whole thing at first.  I pouted a bit, like a spoiled child who doesn't get everything they want.  But overall I see that it's good.  And I really feel things will be better for us all doing this.  Maybe now we can actually save money. 

I seem to have a sickness of some sort that if there is extra money I want to spend it on something.  I have a hard time letting money just sit around somewhere.  I feel it should be used for something.  But of course the idea of saving is that it will be used for something eventually, and probably something important. 

Up until now my husband's parents have been helping us with a lot of stuff, and God bless them for that.  But I have felt bad about it all along.  So God willing going forward we will be able to stand on our own and provide for all our own things with our own money. :) Praise God.  May God grant us success on this saving journey and may we be able to buy a house finally in 10 months due to all this. 

May God bless you all! :)

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