Friday, November 2, 2018

Reverse Feminism!

We really need to reverse feminism in the world. Way, way to much is expected of women and girls now. Way more then used to be expected that’s for sure. We wonder why depression is so prevelant now. For women, it’s because they are now having to work in and outside the home at the same time. Most men don’t realize how hard a woman works just to maintain a home, but we all do work very hard at that.

It’s so sad that so many boys struggle in school and are often neglected by teachers. Boys will have to, or should, be the main bread winners for their families someday. Teachers often focus on the girls more and praise the girls, usually because girls are better at writing. But it’s the boys that really require the teacher’s attention the most, given all that will be expected of them as adults.

If our society did a better job at educating boys, then girls probably wouldn’t need to worry about college and careers. They could just raise children and let the highly competent boys our school system could put out provide for them. But the only reason feminism had to happen was because the ball was dropped in American society on raising strong, competent men. Just think back on the guys you dated or your daughter dated. How many of them were strong and competent?

Oh if we could go back to the 20’s and 30’s and earlier when women didn’t have to bear the weight of child raising and providing money for the family. Women have things so hard now and it really is so sad. 😢 Women should be able to just relax and enjoy being a mom, but very few moms get to really enjoy just being a mom now. The world tells women, “No, that’s not enough. You have to do x, y, z too.” But really it’s Satan telling women that.

May God help our nation and our world! May women feel like they can relax and just be moms. And may the men step up to the plate and provide well for their families, as they should.

And lastly to the men, if your woman is working, you better be doing some laundry, dishes and vacuuming to help her out. 😉 Like seriously. 😀

May God bless you all!

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