Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Aliens and UFO's

It's a crazy world now.  Last night my boyfriend and I watched "Containment," a series on Netflix ironically created 4 years ago. I think it messed with both our heads because we fully realized what the future might look like if this all keeps going.  Millions of people are loosing jobs so they will get desperate and probably will start looting and crime in general will increase.  I suspected from the beginning of this Coronavirus outbreak that the police might start arresting anyone who even coughs to be put in forced isolation, as in jail.  People are being told to stay at home 24/7 and this has been going on for too long now.  Schools and churches seem like they will never reopen.  Is this the end of the world?  Apparently 5G spying towers are being put in major cities all around the world, which put out high amounts of radiation which will probably cause a massive epidemic of cancer around the world.  But am I scared?  No.  I have faith that God will protect me.  Read Psalm 91 if you are scared.  :) Abide in the vine, Jesus, and all things will be possible for you and no plague will by any means harm you.  Amen?  Amen!  I just read an interesting article about Roswell and aliens.  I have suspected for awhile that aliens probably do exist.  I feel like God is saying they do.  Most people know about the cows mutilated all around New Mexico back in the 80's.  Apparently that is because these aliens, who our gov. is now friends with, need parts from cows, AND people to heal them because their bodies are weaker then ours.  This article said maybe these aliens went through a nuclear fallout on their planet.  So over the past 80 years they have legitimately abducted thousands, if not millions of people.  I was praying about that and asked why God would let that happen to people.  I felt like he said it was only bad people that that happened to.  But it's still sad, obviously. The movie Independence Day I think was a way to wake us all up to what actually is happening.  There is a place like that in New Mexico, and apparently the Mojave Desert in CA.  There are literally live aliens there who talk to our gov. and try to make deals with them and influence what happens in the world.  I know I saw a video of an interview with an alien.  It almost looked made up but it could have been real.  I saw a video on youtube once of a flying saucer landing in a field and translucent looking people walked out of it and then they walked back in.  The speed of the flying saucer was something that seemed out of this world.  It could have been a doctored video but who knows.  Does the fact that there could be legimate aliens out there mean God doesn't exist?  No.  If I was God I would probably enjoy my gift of creating multiple worlds and civilizations too.  If the aliens have a bad side that's no suprise.  Clearly us humans have bad sides too.  Now currently this Coronavirus outbreak might be an agenda that these aliens wanted to have happen.  I feel like God is saying they want us to become extinct because they are jealous of us that we are physically stronger then them.  They seem to be more intelligent mentally but our bodies are stronger. May God help us. 

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