Sunday, October 1, 2017

Flu Shots are Evil

(This is the post that made me banned by Facebook from posting in groups for 2 weeks ;) Must be a powerful post. :)

Many already know this, but the flu shot causes the flu. Please don't get the flu shot. It will only hurt you and your family. :(

I'm trying to find a good article on the fact that the flu shot can give people the flu, but every single one on Google says you can't get the flu from it. But I know you can, because my brother and mother in law and best friend all got a terrible flu from the flu shot. :(

I think that the people making and selling the flu vaccine are just really good about not letting any articles get out telling the truth! :(

I have always been so annoyed how much the flu shot is advertised and pushed everywhere you go. I'm sure trillions are made every year off of flu shots, so the makers of it are very careful to not let any stories get out saying they are evil....

Also it makes no sense at all why a flu vaccine would even work. Anyone who has studied biology knows there are thousands of different DNA strains of the flu. How could the makers of flu shots possibly know which DNA strain of the flu you might be exposed to this year to vaccinate you for it? They couldn't! It would be like trying to hunt for a deer in the pitch black dark.

One article said each flu shot contains 4 flu strains that they pick from 4 totally random sounding groups. And that's all it is, completely random and stupid.

You hoping the flu shot will prevent you from getting the flu all year is just as hopeless and pointless as you hoping to win the lottery this year. The odds of it actually keeping you from getting any of the thousands of flu strains out there is incredibly slim. And, like I know from those closest to me, it usually just gives you a terrible flu right after you get it.

So why get a flu shot? There is absolutely no reason to. So please don't. I'm just trying to help all y'all out there and your families. ;)

May God bless you all!

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