Monday, September 9, 2019

My Life Story

Here’s my abbreviated life story if y'all are interested: 

I grew up in church since I was a baby. I rebelled a bit though in junior high, after my parents divorced. At age 14 I finally decided to take Christianity seriously. I guess that’s when I started having a fear or respect of God and when I first started reading the Bible and praying a lot. :) I went to India on a missions trip at 14 and that really cemented my faith. Then I went to Taiwan twice and Mexico about 7 times times on missions trips. I have worked with kids in most of my jobs the past 20 years and always have a goal to help kids love God, because life is hard and it can be easy to get mad at God. But I think it’s key we keep our faith alive that God is good and that he loves us. We can’t let Satan convince us that God doesn’t care about us. We have to keep that relationship with God close and strong, because ultimately God is our only hope in life and our only protector and provider. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ God is good! Woot. πŸ˜€ 


  1. No, not really.
    You desperately sound like a closet’s ok honey, munch that carpet

    1. Sounds like you need to take that cock out of your ass and stuff it to the back of your throat and then push alittle harder and hold it there until you pass out. If you dont anything nice to say then jump off.
