Monday, July 20, 2015

Dreams Really Do Come True!

My hubby and I are gonna buy a 2014 mobile home that I found on Zillow for only 55k and it looks amazing! woot! My mom said it sounds too good to be true but I was just thinking, most of the things in my life have sounded to good to be true lol. Like wow I get to be a stay at home mom for as long as I have and my husband can provide for us even though he didn't finish college. Praise God for the high paying oil field jobs in Texas! Or wow my car has been running great for 14 years without needing any major repairs. Or wow I haven't had any major health issues since I was 10 when I had my appendix out but after have been perfectly healthy. A friend said I have divine health; I think there is a divine a lot of other things too lol.  Or wow I got to go to and graduate from a private Christian college even though I had a single mom and a dad who didn't pay child support much. Or wow I married the most amazing, pure and wonderful guy despite my past of being abused and most abuse victims end up with not very good mates. Or wow I actually got to go to Australia and snorkel the Great Barrier Reef like I'd always dreamed of. God truly does give us the desires of our hearts! If anyone doesn't think that God really blesses his children, my life is a huge testimony that He definitely does. Or wow I got to live in Hawaii for a summer and go to the beach almost every day while nannying my cousins. Or wow I got to work on a cruise ship and do the Alaska cruise 10 times. Or wow I got to go to the Grand Canyon like 5 times and backpack to the bottom of it and camp out for a week. The list could go on and on but wow God has REALLY blessed me a lot! It really is pretty amazing all the things I have gotten to do! Praise God! Or wow I got to go to Taiwan twice and India once and have the most amazing experiences of my life. And our India trip was video taped with YWAM and used as a promo video. So cool. Or wow I finally got to publish some books, even it they are just self-published. It really is pretty amazing all the dreams of mine that have come true. Praise God! He has been SO good to me! And thank you to those of you who made my dreams come true, like my mom and step dad helping pay for my college and my aunt for letting me live with them for a summer. Thank you!!! May God bless you all!

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