Thursday, November 19, 2015

Make Disciples

"Go and make disciples of all nations."
Mt. 28:19

This verse implies a few things.  One, that someone can't be racist as a Christian.  We never really think much about this verse but think about the fact that Jesus commissioned us as believers to make disciples of ALL nations, as in all people groups.  We can't just witness to whoever we want to witness to; we are commanded to witness to anyone and everyone, regardless of race, gender etc.

Another key point on this is simply that we must go.  You can't GO if you aren't doing anything.  Like Jesus said, there is no point to light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  But it can become easy as a stay at home parent to put your light under a bowl.  It can become a time of a lot of hiding from the world, but it doesn't have to be.  Stay at home moms can write a blog, like I do, or do part time work like waitressing to get out in the real world and still witness for Christ that way.

I recently started waitressing and love it.  The pay isn't great but hopefully I am being a good light to my co-workers and the people at the tables that I serve.  I got the great idea to buy special pens from Amazon that have the fruit of the Spirit on them.  It's subtle but you never know what something like that might do for someone's faith.  Of course then I have to be the best worker I can be and serve them well since I am trying to represent Christ. 

I also work with a bunch of high school kids.  Pretty much everyone I work with is 16 or 17.  I feel kind of like a youth pastor in disguise.  They don't realize I am like their youth pastor, but in a way I feel like one.  So hopefully I can be a good mentor for all of them. :)

Pray for me in my new job please, that I would shine well and brightly for Christ.  May my time at work be worth it, even though I'm not making much.  I pray I am pointing people to Christ in the small things and hopefully making an impact for Jesus somehow.  And I pray you all are at your jobs as well. :)  God bless!

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