Monday, July 18, 2022

Reading the Bible

 I have only read the Bible aloud to about 4 people in my life. That is a bit sad, but it is what it is. With my first serious relationship, we read through Song of Songs together. It was super romantic. Then with my two daughters, I often would read to them out of a children's Bible that I got for them. Now I am reading through the New Testament with my kind and handsome bf. We were reading through Mark and now Revelation. I think our world is on the brink of Armageddon so I thought it would be great to read Revelation again. 

What is next for all of us? Starvation possibly. Enjoy relatively cheap food while we have it. 😪There will be a widespread killing of believers. Bring it on anti-Christ! Ok I'm a tad worried but also so ready to get to heaven. If I have to get there via being martyred, I will be totally ok with it. Meanwhile I'll just keep praying for all the people I love, that they will be counted worthy in the end of being with God too. 

Keep reading your Bible people! And if you don't have one, they sell Bibles at Wal-Mart. 😁 For my fellow long term believers, don't ever assume you remember every word of your Bible. You might remember the gist of the whole Bible, but God wants you to keep reading it over and over again on repeat. You will become a better person the more you read God's word. So go read it. 😀

God loves you! 

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