Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Economic Recession

The current recession in America began right when I graduated from college, oddly enough, around 2007.

It was sad indeed to graduate, to have finally gotten my long awaited B.A., into a world that now did not need my skills, it seemed. In a world where good jobs almost no longer exist. It was very sad indeed.

I could have gotten a second degree in nursing and then may have been ok but as it was I could not find an amazing job.

But I think most people are having a hard time with that.

At one job I had working with troubled youth we had a lawyer working there who simply couldn't find work as a lawyer. How odd, I thought.

There are soooo many people graduating now who can't find work. People who find their degrees to be completely useless to them. I know, I worked at a student loan company recently in customer service. I constantly heard the complaint, "Why should I have to make payments on an education that did nothing for me." All I could tell them was, "I hear you. I know exactly how you feel." lol :)

I had a friend go for her Masters in English, which I had planned to do, but now is not using the extra degree at all.

I have thought for a long time, what on earth was the point of my going to college? Why can't I find this amazing job that my high school teacher promised would be there once I got a college degree? lol

Now it's not a B.A. that means anything because everyone has one. Now it's a Masters. But even that doesn't do much for people it seems.

Because we have sold most of our businesses to other countries. Very little is made in the U.S. anymore. America has turned into a ghost town essentially.

Most people are living off unemployment and welfare and it's like we have accepted our defeat. We have folded. We are giving up.

This is also why I think we must be nearing the end of the world, or at least I am hoping we are, because I don't see a future for America or any other country in the world really.

Every country in the world is in extreme debt. But to whom? The bankers I guess. Very odd.

So where is the world headed? Not to anything good I imagine. Things are just going to get worse. The recession is never going to end. We may be entering a world wide famine, according to the next seal in Revelation. So stock up on food while you can if you're reading this. Buy tons of beans and rice and water because I think things are about to get really bad.

No one knows the day or the hour but Jesus said when you see figs appearing on the trees you know that the season is near.

There are signs all over the world that most choose to ignore but they are there regardless. Animals dying in mass. People hearing weird noises coming from the sky it would seem. Tsunamis, earthquakes, storms.

I think in about 2 months in June the two witnesses prophesied about in Rev. will come on the scene in Jerusalem, Moses and Elijah reincarnated somehow. I'm serious. I know it sounds crazy but I think all this is just around the corner. And I think Obama will be revealed to be the anti-Christ in about 2 months and he will reign as the anti-Christ for 42 months according to Rev., that's 3.5 years, almost a full presidential term. He, Obama, will reign as ruler of the world, which is completely feasible given the power he already has over so many things.

The end is coming soon. I just know it. I know this all sounds crazy but I think this is right on.

In light of all that....

Are you ready? That is the question. Is Jesus Lord of your life? I hope so. I hope God will save as many as possible before the end.

Get right with God now. Don't waste time. If you are Christian or were, check yourself to make sure you still are.

Like the parable of the prodigal son, if the son would have died when he was away, when he walked away from the Father, being God, I believe he would have gone to hell. Do you know for sure you are going to heaven? If not, make sure. Are you bearing fruit?

Jesus said, "You shall know them by their fruit." Check yourself. Are you in the faith? Have you "fallen from grace" as Paul calls it? Then come back. Make sure you come back before it's too late.

If you are still in the faith then persevere, because times are about to get a lot worse. Brace yourself. I'm serious.

May God be with us and help us to be strong. Amen. :)

Grace and peace be with you all.

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