Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Starting a Family :)

I'm pregnant! yay..... lol :)

Ben and I will be moving to Texas soon. And then maybe Colorado in two years. It has been both of our life long dreams to live in Colorado so that will be cool. :)

He will be getting a CDL and drive trucks locally while I start raising 6 kids, that's the goal anyways. :) I'm so excited.

I am planning to homeschool, at least until each kid reaches high school. Then I will trust them to fend for themselves and make good choices. :)

I think kids are too easily corrupted at school by class mates these days. Also now there is tons of violence in schools; kids getting beat up all the time. It's so sad. :( There is even sexual abuse happening in schools. Unbelievable. Where are the teachers is what I want to know? But it is hard to closely monitor hundreds of kids at a time. I know, I have worked with kids a lot.

For me growing up school was always a safe place. Home was not safe, but school was. I always loved all my teachers and all the subjects. I was never picked on for anything or beat up. I always loved learning and I always had good friends at school. School was always where I was most happy.

But sadly, and I blame MTV, schools are not what they used to be. So homeschooling will be good. :) I homeschooled a 4th grader for a few months in every subject and enjoyed that. Homeschooling six kids at the same time in different grades will be a challenge but fun. :) I certainly won't be bored lol which is the goal.

I'm so excited to invest all that I am in these new kids we will have. I pray everything goes well with the pregnancy etc. And may God help us find the best place to live in Texas and then Colorado. :) Amen.

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