Thursday, August 29, 2013

Focus Your Eyes on Jesus

Notes from my class last night:

The power of the mind; "As a man thinks so is he."  It is important that we memorize Scripture to retrain our minds. 

"Life and death are in the power of the tongue."  The power of the tongue that frames your world is in your hands.

When we feel alone and like we have no one, that is Satan talking to us.  God is always there. 

Keep your focus off of yourself and on God. 

We will never become free if we focus on our chains, on our failures etc.  We take on the mind of a prisoner.

We need to focus on who we are in Christ.  What is already true of us.  That we are set free.  That we are children of the most High God.  That God loves us....

The more we focus on our weaknesses the more weak we become. 

The key to our transformation is that we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and not on other things.

We need to behold the glory of the Lord.  That will empower us; remind us whose we are and the power that is then available to us. 

When we focus on the radiance of his holiness he saturates us with himself.

We will always have chains to something.  We will always serve someone.  The question is only, who will you let your master be?  We were created to worship something.

Take your eyes off of what is temporary and focus on what is eternal instead.

There is complete freedom in Christ.  Think on only good things.  Fix your thoughts and your eyes on Jesus and you will not grow weary and loose heart.  You will go from glory to glory. 

Sanctification is a process.  We grow more and more with time. 

When we read books about God it helps us to focus our mind on God.

When we focus on the issues it just gives them more power over our minds.

Our identity is not in our past abuse or trauma, but in Jesus; that we are God's children. 

If you were to believe that you are a citizen of heaven now and that all the resources of heaven are available to you now, how would that change your ways of approaching needs and challenges in your life?

"Our citizenship is in heaven."  Phil. 3:20

What we behold, we become. 

The more we listen to a type of music or watch certain media, the more we will become like that, like the world. 

We know we have a renewed mind when we love first but we hate what is evil.  That is when we have the mind of Christ.

It doesn't matter how many times you mess up.  How many times you run back to Jesus is what matters. 

We stay in our chains because we don't know who we are and whose we are.

We are more than conquerors and Jesus is our ruler, not Satan. 

Jesus received 39 lashes.  There are 39 root causes of diseases known in the world.  Jesus was paying the price through the lashes for our complete healing. 

Our citizenship is in heaven, but we can still cross over to the other country, the domain of Satan.  When we do, we fall under his authority.  But don't cross that border.  Don't give Satan a foothold.  Choose life, not death. 

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