Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Spot a False Teacher

There are many false Christian teachers out there, wolves in sheep's skin. They are good at appearing as though they are Christian, but they are really not. Benny Hinn is a classic example. He is good at talking the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. Always ask yourself what their fruit looks like. Here are more tips on how to spot a false Christian teacher.


See if they mention money a lot. Do they ask you to sow a seed for your miralce or healing? That signals that they are a false teacher. Jesus said that a person cannot love "both God and money, for you will love one and hate the other." If a teacher seems to really want your money, he does not love God. He loves money.
Know if they are controlling. Often times false teachers will say threats to anyone who might try to come against them. They are very A type and like to have control of everything. In churches, they like to have way too much control over the people in their church and everything that they do.

3. Analyze their character traits. Are they loving? Do they have peace? Do they have self-control?
Regarding Benny Hinn, search google images Benny Hinn affair. He had an affair with Paula White when he was still married. He may preach some good sermons, but his life screams that he is just a poser. He is not really saved. He is just a good actor. If their life doesn't line up with what they preach, they are a false teacher.
4. See if their lifestyle is extravagant. Do they spend a lot of money on a lot of things? Do they seem to not be easily content? Those are all things to look for in regards to their character. Jesus said, "You shall know them (other Christians) by their fruit." What does their fruit look like. We need to be good fruit inspectors as Christians, so that we can tell if others are really saved or not. It doesn't matter what someone says; what do they do?



Always remember, just because someone says that they are Christian does not mean that they are. Just because someone says that they love Jesus does not mean that they really do. Don't be fooled by false teachers.

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