Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Regarding wikiHow Critics :)

Here are some tips on how to not be overly critical of other people's articles here on wikiHow. :)


First of all, write your own articles, rather than judge everyone else's. Often times people don't want to do anything creative themselves and would rather critique everyone else who tries to be creative. But don't be a bully; stop picking on people. Make something creative yourself and then you won't have time to criticize others.

Be constructive rather than destructive. People generally use their energy in one of two ways, they either try to make the world a better place and do creative things to help people, or they do destructive things, either to themselves or others. For example, any super hero movie has a hero and villian. The hero creatively invents ways to become stronger and save people. The hero is constructive. He is always building new gadgets to enable him to do more good. But the villian, on the other hand, only constantly thinks up ways of how to cause destruction and chaos to anyone and everyone. Most people, if they really think about it, want to be the hero, not the villian. So be a hero here on wikiHow and create ways to save and help people rather than ways to try to delete and destroy articles that other people write. :)

Don't be a hater. For whatever reason, whenever people try to accomplish great things, there are always haters. People that are jealous of any accomplishment that anyone else makes. But the only reason people are haters, or get jealous of others so easily is because of their own insecurities. They may feel that they can't be as good as someone else, so they try to tear that other person down. Misery loves company and grumpy, critical people want everyone else to be grumpy and critical too. So don't be a hater. Don't be grumpy and critical. Instead, try to be the best you can be and try to lift yourself higher rather than tear other people down. Amen. :)

Lastly, find Jesus. Whether or not Christianity is true, which I think it is, it makes people a lot nicer that believe in it. Any person without Christ has an overwhelming amount of pride aka. sin. Pride is at the root of all sin, because it is pride that makes us unwilling to submit to God. Before we are saved, we are slaves to sin. The Bible teaches that God sets us free from the chains of sin, essentially. We are then free to love others as God loves us, and we are then free to submit to God's laws/guidance for our lives, which will lead us to a much better life, always better. It is almost impossible to genuinely love people without being regerated by God's Holy Spirit. God gives us a new, soft heart and enables us to really care about others. So if you find yourself being easily critical of other people and their writing etc., you may need a new heart from Jesus. :) It's as simple as saying aloud, "Jesus please give me a new heart. I need you." Very easy. I hope at least some of you reading this will make that decision today. Amen. :) May God bless you!

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