Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to Take Care of Your Body

Most people don't fully know how to take care of their bodies. Maybe they weren't taught how to by their parents or grandparents. The Bible says that we are to protect and take care of our bodies, which for Christians, are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Here are some tips on how to take of yourself physically.


Try to eat healthy. There aren't any Bible verses on what to eat per se, other than in the Old Testament. Health experts say to stay away from bread and dairy. That is a general rule, which can be very hard though. Yogurt, however, is very good for you. The best snacks really are yogurt, trail mix, Raisin Bran, apples, bananas etc. There is a good book on this topic called "The Makers Diet." I recommend it to you. :)

Drink as little alcohol as possible. Scripture talks about drunkards a lot, as that being one thing that keeps people from getting into heaven actually. But tere are a lot of Christians who do drink. Everything in moderation is always good. Paul said we are not to be mastered by anything. So as long as alcohol doesn't master you, it's ok to drink a little from time to time. :)

Get outside and walk etc. Most people don't like running or anything overly strenuous for various reasons. You can actually really injure yourself if you run too much or overwork yourself. For some, excercise seems to be all or nothing. Either they do nothing or they do too much. But finding a middle ground is always good. Don't do nothing, but you don't have to run 10 miles every day either. :) God would want us to try to get some excercise, because our bodies are his temple. He wants us to take good care of his creation and be good stewards of our bodies. So get out and walk a little today! yay! You will feel a lot better if you do. :)

Drink tons of water. Almost no one alive drinks the amount of water that they should. :) Drinking about 4 or 5 bottles of water a day will greatly improve your health and your mood. :) Plus it will keep you from getting sick as often, which is always great. :)

Try to avoid watching TV as much as possible. It's not good for your soul and spirit, usually, depending on what you watch. Plus it keeps you transfixed so you never want to get up and you really do become a couch potatoe. :( No bueno. Listening to sermons on YouTube is a great way to keep yourself entertained, or write something on here and help people. :)


Even if you were never healthy before, you can always start now. It's never too late for a new beginning. :)

If you have kids, that is all the more motivation to keep your body healthy so that you will live long for them. :)

Don't be overly concerned about counting calories or your progress in getting in shape etc. Just be healthy because it's fun and you feel better. Don't be legalistic about it or you will probably give up on it. :(

Get around healthy people, at church, work etc. If you hang out with a lot of unhealthy people, their habits can become contagious and you might catch their unhealthiness cold so to speak. Try to be around like minded people that have the same goals. :)


Stay positive. If you think negative thoughts all the time regarding getting healthy, like that you are overweight or weak, that will only un-motivate you, not motivate you. Keep your eyes on the goal, what you want to become, not what you are now. Focus on the outcome, not the process. :)

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