Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Parenting Advice

If I have a show someday on parenting here's some things I would talk about I think.  This advice comes from my current parenting experiences and my past 12 years of jobs with kids of all ages at pre-schools, after school daycare programs, tutoring, teaching, cruise ship kid counselor, Sunday schools, summer camps etc:

1. Get outside every day with your kids.  Fresh air is good for anyone and everyone.  Go for walks.  Let them run around in a park and get their energy out.  They will then be much easier to get to sleep also. 

2. Be consistent.  If you say it's time to go to sleep don't go back in their room after you put them to bed.  Then they will know every time you say time to go to sleep, you mean it. 

3. Don't do the "cry it out" thing with babies and toddlers.  Maybe for a few minutes let them cry, but don't let them cry for more than 5 minutes without addressing whatever they are upset about.  If they have a poopy diaper, sitting in it for too long can cause a terrible rash.  If they are sleepy, put them in a swing for babies and for toddlers give them tons of milk or oatmeal or peanut butter until they fall asleep.  No one can sleep well on an empty stomach.  It helps to have toddlers sleep in a play pen so they can't get out of bed all the time.  Also play pens can be safer than cribs so they can't hit their heads on hard wood. 

4. Take care of yourself.  Don't let yourself get too hungry or too tired as a parent.  Eat when you need to and drink coffee/tea if the kids won't let you sleep. 

5. Don't worry about what your friends are doing in their parenting or what your moms did or think you should do etc.  Do what you think is best for your kid.  Every kid is different and what works for one might not for another.  And what works for one parent might not for another.  Every mom has her own way to parent.  Don't neglect your kid, but don't worry about following a ton of rules either. Do what you think God is telling you to do in each situation.

6. Lastly but most importantly, always grow in your relationship with God.  Watch TBN and great sermons etc.  The closer you are to God, the better you will be able to really love your kids and treat them well.  God is the source of real love.  We cannot love perfectly unless we first receive God's love and respect God enough to obey his command to love others.  Focus on God first.  "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you."  Like having great kids and the ability to parent well.  Amen.  God bless!

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