Sunday, December 24, 2017

Marriage Advice

My Advice to Newlyweds :)

1. If it's too frustrating trying to sleep in the same bed due to snoring, then don't. You don't have to just because society says married couples should sleep together. If you have the room it's best to sleep in separate rooms and get a full night's sleep so you don't resent the other person's snoring keeping you awake all night.

2. If either of you starts to get angry, one of you needs to go to another room or outside until BOTH people calm down, then talk, or texting is sometimes easier.
 3. Don't ask what your husband or wife dreamed about the night before; you don't want to know.

4. DON'T ever look at their Facebook or phone. Even if they are relatively innocent, you will probably still find something to get upset over.

5. Don't have close friends of the opposite sex, ever. This only breeds suspicion and jealousy and will create issues in your marriage.

6. Never lie to your spouse, no matter what. If you are trying to lie to keep them from getting angry, they will only get more angry when they find out you are lying.

7. Try to limit alcohol consumption when together, or don't drink at all. This can be a catalyst to bring out stuffed bitterness and emotions but it takes away the restraint of remembering to be polite. Don't drink any alcohol if possible.

8. Talk nicely about the other person's parents, always, always, always. No one likes anyone saying anything unkind about their parents.

9. Don't tell other people about everything your spouse does wrong. This will only magnify it in your own mind, make it harder for you to forget about it, and makes it almost impossible to forgive them. Tell your spouse directly that it was wrong and then forget about it and move on.

10. Never stay in a car together if you are both angry. Pull over and both of you should probably take a walk. Being in a confined space when angry is never smart.

11. DON'T ask questions that you know you really DON'T want the answer to, like questions about x's for example.  "Curiosity killed the cat." Knowing less is better than knowing more.

12. As soon as your spouse wakes up, offer to make them eggs or get them food. The longer either is hungry in the morning, the greater chance of the morning not going well.

13. Husbands, babysit the kids for your wives every once in awhile so she still feels that she has some freedom.

14. Never yell at each other. If yelling begins, someone needs to leave the room.

15. Never throw things, obviously. lol

16. Husbands, put the toilet seat down for your wives. She will practically fall into the toilet if you do not. This is very important.

17. Also to husbands, put your dirty clothes in the actual hamper instead of all over the floor. Your wife does a lot already, and her job is much easier if the dirty clothes are in one place.

18. Wives, try to keep criticizing anything about your husbands to a minimum. They may seem tough, but actually, guys are very sensitive and can get their feelings hurt very easily.

19. Husbands, tell your wives they are pretty or beautiful as much as you can, and NEVER criticize anything about their physical appearance. Women are already naturally very insecure about this. Only build them up in this area, never critique. Amen.

20. And lastly, tell each other that you love them all the time. You never know when that might be the last time you see them. Anyone could die any night in a car accident etc. Make sure you really value each other and treasure every moment you have together.  Amen.

 God bless!

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