Saturday, December 9, 2017

Tithe to the Poor

"Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house." ----Malachi 3:10

Biblically, a tithe is solely meant to provide food for the poor. But you won't hear any pastors preach on that or even mention the first half of Malachi 3:10 because they want you to think your tithe funding a bigger house or a bigger church building for them should be just fine, but it's not fine. Our tithe money is supposed to go to the poor, not for building some giant club house. Give your tithe all to World Vision or Compassion International, not some church that might use it for meaningless and frivolous things.

If you really think about it, any pastor of any church could make a video on their phone of the EXACT same sermon, email that sermon out to their people, and then poof, there would be absolutely NO need to pour millions of dollars into a wasted church building that sits empty 166 hours out of the week. 😕 Honestly. If the church of America had a bit more wisdom we would do that. And then just meet in homes for small groups to talk about the sermon that we comfortably watched from home via our email. Oh how much different and better the American church would be then! And if we gave millions to the poor and homeless instead of funding our giant clubs maybe then non Christians would believe it when we say we love people and care about people. But as it is, we obviously only care about ourselves and our giant country clubs. :( Or else we would give millions to the poor, as God commanded, rather then to a country club building.

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