Saturday, September 15, 2018

Be Good

I have had about 30 fillings in my life and I think it was because I stopped flossing every day. I flossed every night from age 11 till about age 25. But then at age 25 I had to get a crown on one of my teeth. So that was very discouraging. 😢 I didn’t get why I needed a crown when I brushed twice a day and flossed every night. 😞 (It’s possible that dentist was just trying to make more money, because I think crowns bring in way more profit for them.) 

So after that I stopped flossing for the most part because I thought “what is the point if I’m still going to need crowns while flossing?” 😢

I think it can be the same way with us regarding being good in life. We might try and be good for a long time, and then something bad happens to us and we’re like “ah what’s the point of being good when bad stuff still happens to me?!” I’m sure many of us have thought that at various times. 😉

But the key to remember is that a lot less bad stuff happens to those who try to be good then to those who don’t. 

For example, if you show up for work on time every shift and respect all your co-workers and your boss you most likely won’t be fired. 👍🏼 So doing good does result in a cause and effect that is beneficial then. 

I flossed well as long as I did and maybe would have needed more crowns if I hadn’t. I am trying to floss again now at least every few days. 👍🏼 And I use mouthwash now. 😁

Also when we respect our spouses and treat them like we would want to be treated, we will most likely not have a divorce. 

When we try to care for our children well and show them lots of love they most likely won’t end up in prison someday. 😁👍🏼

When we eat right we will for sure have less health issues then those who don’t. 

So God’s command that we be Holy, or try to be holy, WILL benefit us in the end. Putting in the hard work to be good and take good care of ourselves and others WILL result in our lives being better overall. Amen. 

So don’t give up when you feel like all the work you put into being good seems to be for nothing. Keep pressing on to win the prize for which God has called you to. Fight the good fight of the faith! Be a good Christian and do good, and then your life and everyone’s life around you will be much better as a result. 😉 Be Good. 😁

May God bless you all! 

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