Friday, September 28, 2018

Speaking FAITH

If you don't want to loose your house, every day you need to say "Thank you God that we aren't going to loose our house.  Thank you God for this house.  I love it!"  If you don't want to loose your spouse you need to say every day, "Thank you God that I'm going to stay married my whole life.  Thank you for my spouse.  They are wonderful."  If you want your kids to not die speak out every day, "Thank you that you will give my kids a long life.  You bore their pain and suffering on the cross.  I know that you love me and you want to bless me.  You give me the desire of my heart if I delight in you.  You know I delight in you alone and my greatest desire is that my children will be healthy and happy always!  Thank you God that you will give them a long and healthy life.  Amen!"
You can't speak doubt over your life and expect to have victory.  You can't speak unbelief and expect to have good things happen to you.  "The power of life and death are in the tongue."  And the power of life and death are in your mind ALSO.  Are you always thinking "my spouse is going to divorce me.  I know they want to divorce me etc?"  That's a lie from Satan!  You need to tell Satan "get behind me!"  Stay positive.  Speak life!  Stay in faith!
It has always frustrated me how negative people can be sometimes and that they don't realize how VERY destructive that is to their success in life.  The people who taught the book The Secret would call being positive the secret to success in life.  Christians just call that faith.  If you have faith, you NEED to stay positive.  Otherwise you can't say that you have faith.  Either you have faith or you don't.  Either you believe or you don't.  If you believe God wants to be good to you, then speak it out!  In your thoughts and aloud. 
I can't even count how many times I have tried to tell people around me "please try to stay positive."  People just don't realize how much they can speak death and defeat into any situation by their words and with the thoughts they allow themselves to think.
Why can't people tell when their thoughts are from SATAN?  I can.  Immediately if I have ANY thought that would lead to death of any kind at all I KNOW it's Satan and I take the thought captive, meaning I STOP thinking about it.  That is what it means to take a thought captive.  You just STOP thinking about it. 
So God I pray for all those who have a hard time discerning what thoughts are from Satan and which ones are not.  God your word said we extinguish the flaming darts from Satan with our shield of faith, so God PLEASE help everyone I know, and everyone reading this, to have FAITH!  God help people to not listen to Satan any longer.  To clear their mind of any evil thoughts that lead to death.  God I pray that you would give us all a clarity of MIND like we have never had before.  I pray that your peace that passes all understanding will GAURD our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  God we NEED your peace to gaurd us from Satan's attacks.  We all know worry leads to most of our health problems, and we know we need your healing from worry.  God help us to have FAITH!  We believe but help us in our unbelief.  God help those who don't know how much you love them and HOW MUCH you want to provide good things for them!  Help them to believe that you do!  God you love us and you want to take care of us.  God help us to believe that.  Tear down any strongholds in our mind that you are against us or want us to suffer.  God you love your children.  You love those who seek to obey you, and the Bible says you reward those who diligently seek you.  So God help us to DILIGENTLY seek you so that you can reward us.  Thank you God.  Thank you that you are working in anyone who reads this that they will try to seek you with all their heart and will keep their minds fixed on you.  Thank you that Satan will not be able to gain power over them any longer!  In Jesus' name!  God we thank you for that!
Stay focused on God and be blessed.  ;)  Amen.
May God blesss you all!  With health and abundance in every area of your life!  Amen!

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