Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Perfect America

I have a dream.  Can you picture this with me?  I have a dream that soon America could be a perfect country.  A place where not one child is sexually abused or mistreated.  A place where no business is robbed, where no one is ever murdered, where everyone loves each other with a pure love.  I have a dream that America could be great again like it used to be.  That there could be no more school shootings and no more kids or adults going crazy.  Where there is complete and total peace everywhere.  In Jesus' name amen!
What would it take to make this America?  Go to church!  We all need to start going to a church somewhere.  My pastor at my current church, Pentecostal Lighthouse in Jarrell, made a very good point last night.  He said you can watch a sermon at home, but it's not the same as getting dressed and going to church.  You make a sacrifice then and it means more to you, and to God possibly.  You gather with other Christians and God's presence comes in the room.  You feel the warm.  You feel more alive.  It's like plugging in your phone to get charged up again.  THAT is what going to church is like, or what it should be like. :) You don't get that same feeling just watching a sermon at home.  At church, you can have other great Christians pray for you, or you can share what you need prayer for.  You can strengthen each other and stir each other on toward more good works and a greater love for others. 
If every single person in America went to church, a Christian church, I think America could flip 180 and become an almost perfect nation.  Of course no nation would be totally perfect, but can't we at least try to come close to that?  Can't we all start praying that America could be almost perfect?  Where kids are treated well and they treat each other well.  Where adults really love and respect all children of all races.  Where people really love each other and we love our enemies.  What if we really could be a bright shinning city on a hill, like Johnathan Winthrop originally saw America as being?  What if we could draw the world to Jesus?  What if we could draw the world into holiness and purity?  Intead of corrupting the world with our terrible music videos and porn websites and violent movies.  What if we could help PURIFY the world and really make the world a better place.  World peace, isn't that what everyone wants?  Then why don't we DO the things that would lead to that?  Why don't we do go to church so we can focus on loving God and loving others? 
Going to church seems like a small thing but it's not.  It's the key stepping stone to making America great again.
The change begins with you.  Are you going to lead others into the light or into darkness? 
Please, let us all lead the world into the light.  God may America be a bright shinning light to the world again.  Let us be a city on a hill that shines hope and love to the world.  God let us put away any evil from our own hearts and minds, any sexual perversion and any hatred, and let us run toward you and you ALONE.  God let us worship you and you alone.  Help people in America, and the world, to not worship money anymore.  Help us to really SEE how fleeting money really is.  It is here today and gone tomorrow, but you Holy God are always with us.  Amen. We praise you!  Help us to only want to impress you and serve you God!  And nothing else. 
May God bless America! And the world! And may God bless you all. :) Make America great again!  And pray for America to be pure!  God bless. :)

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