Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Satanism and Hate in Our Nation

I wish I could understand what causes men, and some women, to sexually abuse children.  Satanism is most likely the cause.  According to the Masons and Aleistar Crowley, Satan tells them that sodomy will lead them to other dimensions and give them more power and a longer life.  Apparently the all seeing eye on our dollar bill is meant to represent an anus, literally, and Satan tells these people that that is the portal to other dimensions.  Satan tells them that through doing that a lot, Sodomy, they will be able to become a ruler of their own universe.  Wow right?

"In God we trust" on our dollar bill is not God the father of Jesus, but rather Satan. I wonder if George Washington and FDR KNEW all that as well.  They were Masons.  FDR was the one who put the all seeing eye on our dollar bill at the top of the Masonic pyramid.

Einenhower was the one who put "In God we Trust" on the dollar bill but his mom was a Jehovah's Witness, which is a cult that teaches that Jesus was just a man and not God.  So it's a Satanic religion that teaches lies. :(  Therefore the "God" on the dollar bill might be referring to Satan, actually.
It would make sense if our nation was founded as a Satanic nation and almost always has been one, despite the lies we are fed that we are a "Christian nation."  We have always been at war with or hating someone.  First the new Americans severely mistreated the Native Americans.  Then it was the Africans as slaves who were treated terribly.  That all would make more sense if we were actually founded as a Satanic nation rather then a Christian one.  All they cared about was money at the beginning, not people.  That is why they had slaves.  And it seems that is all some leaders have ever cared about.

Then we were mean to the Mexicans.  Then the Japanese.  Then the world wars.  Then again the poor African Americans in the 50's and 60's.  The 80's might have been the only era where we hated no one, which is probably why the music seems so happy from that time. :) And currently our governement has inspired the entire American public to hate Muslims.

Have we as a nation ever loved our enemies?  Don't we just try to kill off as many enemies as possible and justify the wars and all the killing with some random reasons?  Yes, we do.  We need to love our enemies and stop killing them and hating them.

And why do some in power keep encouraging us to hate some random group of people?  To get our eyes off of THEM, the Masons/Illuminate, the only people we actually should hate because they are molesting and kidnapping the children of America for their crazy Satanic rituals!  But they try to focus our attention on outside enemies that aren't doing anything to us and are innocent so we won't get mad at THEM.

 I have heard 9/11 was actually an inside job, meaning people in the govenment caused that on purpose.  Why?  Just to stir up our hatred for the Muslims and Middle Eastern people so we would forget about being mad at THEM, the Masons, for anything.  They try to make us feel united against a common enemy.  But what is the reality?  It's that it's the rich versus the comman man.  The rich elite Illumiate/Masons versus us who live paycheck to paycheck.  The real enemy is those who worship money in this nation.  And they hate the rest of us, but they pretend to care about us.  They worship money and not God, and so they hate the common man.

The entire agenda in America now with homosexuality and pushing it in schools is because they WANT us all to become gay.  Why? Because they don't want us to reproduce anymore because they hate us.  THAT is why they molest children in their Masonic temples, to make them gay and they teach kids in schools now about homosexuality so they will become gay.  Because Satan hates life.  Sex between a man and a women leads to a new life, so Satan tries to stop that, via homosexuality.
I was watching an interview with Anton LaVey yesterday and he actually seemed like a likable guy.  It was actually refreshing to watch him because at least he was honest that he worshipped Satan.  But so many of those in power pretend like they worship God, but they actually worship Satan, which is much more scary.  I don't think it is 100% of those in power.  I think some really do worship and love God.  But there are many who worship Satan, but pretend like they worship God.

I think President Trump really does have a respect for the true God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so Please re-elect him when the time comes. :) And hopefully he can tear down the evil Masonic temples in our nation!  Many good kings in the Bible would rise up after bad kings and tear down the temples of Molech.  Please do that Trump!  We need these Masonic Temples to be shut down!  Please!

And if it's not too much to ask, President Trump, please shut down all the porn websites too. :)  You might be worried about riots if you do, Trump, but I guarantee all the porn is what causes these poor innocent kids to get sexually abused so much.  And they have greatly caused the Satanic worship in our nation to grow a lot, sadly, which causes the crime and number of mass shootings to grow as well.  So Please try. :)

May God bless you all!

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