Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Zombies All Around Us

Is Medication Making People Zombies?

Watching lots of Sid Roth episodes is making me think about my own dreams that I have had.  Sadly I never have had dreams of seeing Jesus or going to heaven or angels.  I have only had dreams about scary things, like tornados, which I thought was related to me watching the movie Twister a lot.  I also had many dreams about a giant Tsunami hitting California.  I had this dream many, many times.  I heard from a lady at church that she knew many others having that dream as well.  My dreams of the tsunamis seemed very prophetic.  They definitely seemed to be end of the world dreams.  Each dream was original.  The way the tsunami would hit and my plan with others of getting to safety was different in each dream.
It's possible I mainly had those dreams at times before I was married when I was living in sin with a boyfriend and God was trying to get my attention.  Like he was saying, "If you don't get right with me this could be you in the last days, scared out of your mind and running away from the tsunami that will hit."  I haven't had any scary dreams in quite awhile, possibly since I got married 6 years ago, so praise God for that. 
I think also the tsunami was a metaphor for what might happen in the last days. No one knows exactly what kind of disasters will happen in the end.  I think God was telling me something bad is going to happen to California.  Maybe God was telling me to move out of CA, because it has become SO corrupt and God was saying he would punish it soon.  I think he has a bit now with the mandatory vaccines in the state.  I think that shows it's turning into a Communist state for sure.  That's only the beginning of Communism is taking people's choice away regarding vaccines.  Next there will be no choice of the people on anything; that's my guess.  Satan already has so many in CA enslaved to drugs and alcohol.
I also used to have dreams that all people had turned into zombies except for me.  I'm pretty sure I had these dreams before I ever saw a zombie movie.  I have seen the movie Dawn of the Dead, but that was about it for zombie movies for me.  But I just had an epiphany.  What if people really are becoming zombies now, in a sense, due to medication? 
I have been noticing that the filling of the Holy Spirit feels like I just drank 4 cups of coffee.  It is an excited feeling.  It's the feeling I get before I write these little essays.  It seems to raise my blood pressure, which I think is a good thing, because then I feel the most ALIVE.  But now you have doctors and dentists always taking your blood pressure and if it's a bit high they recommend you get on blood pressure medication.  Why?  Because they are trying to sedate us all!  They are trying to quench the Holy Spirit working in us!  They want to drug us until we don't FEEL the Holy Spirit anymore!  I don't mean that doctors and dentists are necessarily the primary bad guys.  The Elite are though, and they give many orders to the medical personal of how to regulate all of us and what to do.  I think Satan knows that slightly high blood pressure shows that you are alive!  And that you are filled with the Holy Spirit!  So they try to sedate you and quench the Holy Spirit in people with blood pressure meds.  :(  They WANT to turn us all into zombies!  Like seriously.
Also, I just watched an interview where a guy said his pain pills made him homosexual.  He said when he was taking his pain pills his desire for his girlfriend went away and he started wanting men instead.  But when he stopped the pain pills his desire for his girlfriend came back.  Wow right?!  THAT IS SO KEY, I think.  What if medication is what is making so many youth and adults gay now!?  And what if the medication is also making people zombies, in that they are quenching the Holy Spirit that could be more full in them?  hm....
If you are Christian pray about that and think about it all please.  May we all have eyes to see and ears to hear what God wants to say to us about this.  And may God bless you all!

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