Friday, February 8, 2019

Be a Lion for Jesus!

We live in a very dark world. Children get abused physically, sexually and in ritual Satanic abuse.  Why does God let all this happen?  In Exodus 34 it says, "God does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”  So is it the case that children who are abused are being punished for the sins of their father or grandfather?  I suppose it can be.  It doesn't seem fair, but that is a verse in the Bible. 
But on the flip side, the verse that brings the most comfort is "God will work all things for the good of those who love him."  So even though we may have gone through abuse, God CAN work it for the good. 
For example, in my situation I was abused as a child by my dad, but that has motivated me a lot more now to make and give out my Jesus packets that have Bible tracts in them to help save the lost.  Since I saw that much evil as a young child I made it my life mission to fight evil the rest of my life. 
Why do we all love stories like Superman and Batman?  For me, the Matrix has always been my favorite movie.  Because we want to believe that we CAN defeat all the evil in the world. We want to believe we can have super powers to fight evil and kill evil once and for all.
Well the reality is that we do have super powers as Christians.  We can't fly but we can pray.  We can't make ourselves invisible, but God has given each of us a spiritual gift that he intended for us to USE to fight evil in the world and to witness.  And to witness IS to fight evil, because a truly transformed heart means that person will do good the rest of their life, hopefully. :) "Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do."  Amen? :) 
And that is what Facebook can be.  It can be a great platform for us Christians to shine light on evil and hopefully to end evil, at least little by little.  I often post in groups here on Facebook.  As long as I post my blogs in Christian groups everything is ok and no one protests.  But when I post in non-Christian groups people report to Facebook that what I write is abusive etc. because they can't handle the truth.  People whose deeds are evil hate the light. So then I get banned from posting in groups for a week or so. This has happened to me about 10 times or more by now over the past 6 years. :) But how else will I help to defeat evil and defeat the darkness?  So I keep on trying, and I hope you all will too.  They will attack you if you speak out against sin or evil in secular groups, but keep trying.  You might help make some evil spirits flee. You never know. :)  Because "the truth shall set you free!" Amen.
The reason there is so much darkness in the world today is because so many Christians are too quiet and too nice.  We let evil continue and don't say anything about it.  Many of us are just happy that we are far removed from any evil happening.  We prefer to stay in a bubble and not look outside of our bubble.
But what if a potential child abuser or a potential serial killer saw the right video or the right phrase or the right blog or the right Bible tract on their door step?  Could that stop them from abusing a child or killing someone?  Can our words really have power?  Can what we post here on Facebook on our pages and in groups have the power to change the world for the better and prevent crime?  I truly think it can.  That is why I have loved Facebook for 12 years and have always tried to fight evil via what I write.
I hope you all will try to.  I know most of us think, "What can I do?  I am only one person."  You can do a lot actually.  "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."  So be righteous so that your prayers for evil to end will be effective.  Also I love what Robin Williams said in the Dead Poet's Society.  He said, "Don't let anyone tell you that words and ideas can't change the world.  They can."  Amen!  Believe it. :)
So go post some great things in groups on here!  Since I can't for 6 more days lol.  Be a light for Jesus!  Be a lion for Jesus!  And help push back that darkness.  You can do it! :)
May God bless you all!

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