Friday, April 21, 2023


 I have decided I never want to be pregnant again. I am too worried about getting preeclampsia again. 

Tell everyone you know to sleep on their left side while pregnant to prevent preeclampsia. I read that while pregnant, but didn't fully believe the side you lay on was that important. I had a cavity in a tooth on my left side so that made me not want to sleep on my left side. 

Also to not get preeclampsia, Never drink soda, even sprite. I was drinking sprite at the end of my pregnancy and wondered if that set off the preeclampsia. Sugar is evil....

My pregnancy was going totally fine till the last few weeks. I got serious arm pain from picking up some cat litter. They make those bags way too heavy. I think it set off my arthritis. I seemed to have gotten that from doing pizza delivery. Some of those orders are heavy. And I would put the truck order away once or twice a week. 

I had bad heartburn for the second half of my pregnancy. I fixed that with putting a heat pack on my chest or chewing gum. 

I tried to eat healthy, but no one is perfect. I was sleeping plenty but getting up to pee a lot. That made it poor quality sleep. That probably raised my blood pressure. Also the arm pain did I'm sure. 

Now I feel my blood pressure is back to normal. My arm pain went away right after my delivery. So did the heartburn. Being pregnant isn't easy for anyone. I am glad I survived and I'm glad it's over. 

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