Friday, August 30, 2024


 With every path you take 

There is a heavy weight 

Of not picking other things 

You hope this path will bring 

You the most joy and peace 

Take your cares and release 

Them all 

On God you should call 

For wisdom and advice 

What path is best to choose? 

What do you have to loose?

To have a new tomorrow 

Feel the sorrow 

Of losing yesterday 

But then move on and pray 

For a great brand new day 

Remember thank you to say 

To God for your new life 

With peace and less strife 

Embrace your new day 

Be happy and say 

These are your best days 


Why does God let kids get abused? 

Hopefully he doesn't find it amusing

We are his movie after all 

Life is often not really a ball 

We take the good with the bad 

But often I wish we had 

A utopian perfect planet earth 

Where every child that is birthed

Is safe forever 

Sexual Abuse

 A beaten dog hangs his head 

He does not feel safe on his bed

He cannot trust a single woman or man

No one understands the span 

Of how terrible dog abuse can get

When people also get abused they let

Things happen to them that will send 

Their soul to hell

Why not someone tell?

Forced to commit adultery 

The heart gets super cold and black 

Will God cut them some slack 

For all the evil they did?

On that sick incest bed?

Ask God and your victim 

To forgive you 

You will feel less blue 

From all the guilt 

Time to get right with God 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fight for It

 We all can be a hero 

Even if you feel like a zero 

You can be all you need to be 

Open your eyes and see 

The armies of angels around you 

Always to your goal stay true 

Never waver on what you need to do 

You can move mountains 

Just believe 

Hold on to those you love 

Pray for help from above 

You will get through this and see 

How great life can be 

Keep your chin up and know 

Every day you will grow 

Stay strong fellow warriors 

Have Faith

 If you don't have faith, you have nothing

 Faith in God, in others and in yourself

Faith keeps you wanting to live 

Have faith that others can give 

This world is a cold place to be 

Not many people will see 

Past themselves and their own lives

All they do is continue to strive 

To add to their own possessions 

There is a worldly obsession 

With things and money and cars 

That won't get us very far 

What really matters in life? 

Cutting out all the strife 

And treating others with respect 

"Give and it will be given to you"

Who can you give something to today?

Text me if you want to ask questions about God:


Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Place

 The beach was my happy place 

But now it's to see the joy in my son's face 

He is worth fighting for 

His cute smile I adore 

He plays like a kitten all day

Not much cuter it gets I say 

I hope to watch him forever I pray 

It is just the two of us for now 

Maybe one day a third will join us 

But my focus should stay on him 

One more might be too much weight 

Pray we will stay safe 

God is with us I know 

Every day and it shows 

I know I am super blessed 

And need not ever stay stressed 

God help me stay strong 

I know before long 

He will start school and I'll miss us 

And then his teacher I'll trust 

Will train him well 

And he will come home and tell 

Of the joys of his day 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Take Care of Yourself

 Stay safe and sane 

Not all should get in your brain 

Take time off for just you 

Others make us often blue 

Forget the world and have peace today 

Don't worry of all they may say 

Do what you love 

Ask for help from above 

Forget what everyone else needs 

How long will you bleed 

And let other zap your life away? 

You know what you need 

Bury yourself like a seed

Someday your blossoms will come up 

It's ok to hide for now 


Is money really power?

Instead ask God to shower 

His great Holy Spirit down 

Give you a smile for your frown 

Give you beauty for ashes today

Why do you play

With Satanic power?

It is useless and weak 

Instead you need to seek 

The fear of the Lord 

You know you get bored 

Crack open the word and pray 

Watch words that you say 

Give up your addictions and drugs

You are not really a thug 

Be good, do good, be around good 

"Walk with the wise to be wise"

Seek for the power of God 

Maybe then in favor he will nod

A blessing into your life 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Doctor Worship

 They cut you open and take all your money 

It isn't very funny 

They ruin your body for life 

Maybe create family strife 

How much money do you give them all?

Pride goes before a fall 

You think they will save you?

They only make you blue 

Rob you till all the money runs away 

Not much good to say 

They say they will fix you 

You know that isn't true 

Give up seeing doctors 

And keep all your money 

It all isn't very funny 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My House

 I keep thinking of running away 

So many memories here I would say 

Good and bad, happy and sad 

It is odd to stay since he is not here

But other places I somewhat fear 

I don't know what could happen there 

Would they be kind and share? 

Or is this my only safe place? 

I see my son's happy face 

I know he will always love it here 

So I will stay one more year 

And then who knows what is next 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sexual Addiction

 As with any addiction or craving 

There is almost no point in saving 

A person who is so far gone 

You know that before long 

They will sink down in deep sinking sand 

No longer will they stand 

In church at all 

Pride goes before a fall 

They thought they were saved 

But their sin has seriously paved 

A quick road to hell

 More lust and pain to tell 

Many souls they can sell 

They drag a lot to hell too 

It makes us Christians very blue 

Why do so many rape small children?

May God send valiant warriors to protect them. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Let It Go

 People hurt us every day 

There is little left to say

All you can do is pray 

Your enemies could be friends 

Maybe on them you could depend 

Let go and let God get justice

"Vengeance is mine," says the Lord

What grudge is hard to let go?

Ask God with your memories blow 

Away like a mountain of sand 

Rid yourself of the pain 

Then you have much to gain 

Peace of mind and a quiet spirit 

Let go and let God 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 A kid's happy cute faces 

Makes you think of other places 

When everything was more fun 

I saw oodles of kids play in the sun 

They rode bikes all over the place 

Smiles on every kid's face 

Dumping toys all over the floor 

Preschools are never a bore 

The activity is non stop 

You have to be hard as a rock 

Don't lose your brain 

20 kids can make you go insane 

But then you play a fun game 

And it is still a great place to be 

If you ever work there you'll see 

There is no better place to be 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Young

 When you talk to those very young 

It gives you more times of fun 

They are so happy and new 

Life has not yet made them blue 

Not much stress or heartache yet 

Someday it will hit I bet 

But for now they are so strong 

Full of zest for so long

May God help them stay young 

Life gets very hectic at some point 

You start to feel all out of joint 

But God puts us together again 

After we fall off a wall 

Again on God we call

After another heartbreak 


 Men want tons of wives 

But then they risk their lives 

Triangle love is too crazy 

It makes us all get hazy 

You can't get more than one 

The evil will get caught in the sun 

The two timing comes into the light 

And we all get more bright 

Be a one woman man 

I know that you can 

Be faithful, that's the plan 

Guy Hopping

 Since I was a kid I doubted 

If I would ever be married 

How could I trust any man?

Since my dad is a pervert 

So I have jumped from guy to guy 

Very often wanting to say bye 

Surprise no man is perfect 

Is any man actually worth it?

The pain of pregnancy and stress 

But having love makes us feel blessed

What is the best thing to do?

Find love and be less blue 

But only if they stay true 

Cheating makes love no fun 

It makes anyone want to run 

I pray that my next mate 

Will be totally awesome and great 

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 My ex told me he was cheating on me so I got back on Match. 

I met Derrick who may have had an apartment for my son and I. God warned me he might get abusive though so I passed on that possibility. 

Lance was a former model. He seemed super high strung though. I figured he might ruin my peace. 

Dave was smart and 7 years older. He helped me see the big picture on all my family drama. He said it sounded like my ex didn't really want to be here at home. He had a house with a pool but decided to not let us live with him. 

It is very hard to find a step dad for a kid. 😒

There was Gary for a few days. He was fun to talk to but a bit conceited. He may stay a friend for awhile but he hates the Bible. That could be a problem. 

And now I found a guy named Joshua who is 10 years younger than me. Is that good or bad? It is nice to have a younger person. More zest for life is great. Only God knows what could become of that. Pray for me to find the best step dad for my son. :)


 Who is your daddy? 

At age 6 God became mine 

No greater dad I could find 

My step dad cried and wanted the job

I gave him a disdainful nod

I said, "No you're not my dad."

Only God has kept me glad 

Maybe that made my bio dad mad

But he forfeited his right 

When sex was only in his sight 

He attempted rape on me 

Maybe the idea gave him glee

But my mind would never be

The same 

Fathers be good to your daughters 

And treat your sons with great respect 

How much you respect a kid 

Is how much they will respect you someday

And want to still see you 

So be a parent that is true 

Or maybe someone new 

God will find for your kid 

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 I got into politics and crazy news 

All it did was leave me blue 

I got in the world too much 

It made me a bit more tough 

But all that stress added up a lot 

Then my man in cheating I caught 

I lost my cool, acted a fool

I needed time to relax 

I had to heal more from my past 

In peace I needed to live 

Not much more could I give 

Watch out for getting super stressed 

Remember you are very blessed 

May God help you live in peace 

And always stay super sweet 

Why the Break Up

 I wanted my ex to not drink for 2.5 years but he kept drinking anyways. I always felt vulnerable when he drank. At the end he started drinking every night and lying about it. 

I wanted him to come straight home after work. He didn't care. 

I wanted him to work a day job rather than a night job. He didn't care. 

I wanted him to interact with our child more. He didn't want to. 

I wanted his phone to be on vibrate cuz it was often a distraction and killed the mood. He didn't care. 

I wanted to keep ordering things online. He cut off my ability to use his card. 

I wanted him to quit smoking. He kept smoking a lot. 

I wanted him to lose weight. He didn't seem to care how much I wanted him to.