Saturday, August 3, 2024


 My ex told me he was cheating on me so I got back on Match. 

I met Derrick who may have had an apartment for my son and I. God warned me he might get abusive though so I passed on that possibility. 

Lance was a former model. He seemed super high strung though. I figured he might ruin my peace. 

Dave was smart and 7 years older. He helped me see the big picture on all my family drama. He said it sounded like my ex didn't really want to be here at home. He had a house with a pool but decided to not let us live with him. 

It is very hard to find a step dad for a kid. 😒

There was Gary for a few days. He was fun to talk to but a bit conceited. He may stay a friend for awhile but he hates the Bible. That could be a problem. 

And now I found a guy named Joshua who is 10 years younger than me. Is that good or bad? It is nice to have a younger person. More zest for life is great. Only God knows what could become of that. Pray for me to find the best step dad for my son. :)

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