Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Place

 The beach was my happy place 

But now it's to see the joy in my son's face 

He is worth fighting for 

His cute smile I adore 

He plays like a kitten all day

Not much cuter it gets I say 

I hope to watch him forever I pray 

It is just the two of us for now 

Maybe one day a third will join us 

But my focus should stay on him 

One more might be too much weight 

Pray we will stay safe 

God is with us I know 

Every day and it shows 

I know I am super blessed 

And need not ever stay stressed 

God help me stay strong 

I know before long 

He will start school and I'll miss us 

And then his teacher I'll trust 

Will train him well 

And he will come home and tell 

Of the joys of his day 

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