Sunday, August 4, 2024

Guy Hopping

 Since I was a kid I doubted 

If I would ever be married 

How could I trust any man?

Since my dad is a pervert 

So I have jumped from guy to guy 

Very often wanting to say bye 

Surprise no man is perfect 

Is any man actually worth it?

The pain of pregnancy and stress 

But having love makes us feel blessed

What is the best thing to do?

Find love and be less blue 

But only if they stay true 

Cheating makes love no fun 

It makes anyone want to run 

I pray that my next mate 

Will be totally awesome and great 

1 comment:

  1. You have to be worthy of a good man's love. You have to be desirable to a good man by working on yourself and growing as a person to become a good woman.
