If you repent and turn 180 away from drugs there will be “no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Amen!
God break some CHAINS with this blog please! In Jesus’ name amen!
Satan, and medication and drugs, masquerade as an angel of light. 😉 You NEED to see this, for your sake and the sake of your children. “The truth shall set you free!”
The problem with medication is that it doesn’t actually fix anyone. They only get worse and worse.
Rev. 18 says "All nations were deceived by your sorcery." Pharmikia was the word in the Bible for drugs and sorcery. Drugs equal sorcery. Any kind of drugs.
“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, (medication is a mass shooter) and whoever is led astray by them is Not wise.” Almost EVERY mass shooter was on psychiatric meds.
If your life, or your child's life, was made much worse by meds PLEASE share your story on YouTube and your Facebook! Be a lion for Jesus in ALL things amen? Amen.
“There was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse.” Yep.
The Bible says that Our core issue is sin and selfishness, NOT brain chemicals.
You can’t fix the flesh with medication and you definitely can’t cast out a demon with medication.
Medication has NEVER been proven to cure a mental health issue. Every Psychologist will admit there is No actual cure for mental health issues.
The Bible says there IS and his name is JESUS!!!! Amen!
ONLY JESUS is perfect and deserves our worship and full trust, not doctors.
May God break any stronghold of lies that doctors have fed you or someone you know that meds will help you or them. They WON'T. That is the BIGGEST lie from Satan in our modern society!
God can help you be free. Cry out to him! All things are possible for those who believe! Amen? Amen :)
God bless!
Monday, March 18, 2019
Sunday, March 17, 2019
A Revelation
If you don’t love yourself, you won’t let others love you, because you don’t understand why they would.
And also, Satan's #1 tactic to get us to sin is to make us ungrateful for what we already have. 😔
And here is a verse for why women Can preach now "In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy."
Also Paul says there is neither male nor female now in Christ. 👍🏼
And also, Satan's #1 tactic to get us to sin is to make us ungrateful for what we already have. 😔
And here is a verse for why women Can preach now "In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy."
Also Paul says there is neither male nor female now in Christ. 👍🏼
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Me on YouTube
I have been making lots and lots of teaching videos on YouTube. If you want to find any of my videos on your TV Roku or phone you can search Lisa Davis Bedrick on YouTube. 👍 And send any of them to anyone you know. 😁👍🏼
This is very fishy. Facebook has NEVER blocked my posts on my page before. Like not one time. But a week ago, after I posted verses on gluttony, my phone mysteriously froze. Like not even joking. In 4 years my phone has never gotten frozen like that. So I went and bought a new phone. The next day my original phone was back to normal. Now I'm trying to post my youtube video about food and gluttony and Facebook isn't letting me post it. Why aren't you Facebook? :( What is the reason for this limiting of free speech on this topic? Very odd. But if you want to check it out, google Lisa Davis Bedrick Gluttony and you will be able to watch it on YouTube. It must be a pretty important video if Satan is trying to stop me from posting it on Facebook. May God bless you all!
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Watch Out For Abuse
Satan and His Arrows
God wants his children to have friendly debates not boxing matches. 😁
Despite being sexually abused as a kid I have never been suicidal praise God! I got my shield of faith up ALL the time woot! But Satan can hit me hard at times when he twists correction God means for good and makes me think someone is trying to set against me due to their correction. Of course it’s just from insecurity when I feel that way.
Just pray for discernment always. 👍🏼 Ask God to show you if any “correction” comes from his spirit or an evil spirit. Sometimes it’s just abuse and you need to distance yourself A LOT from abusive people. But you will be able to tell right away usually if a correction if from God or it’s life killing words from Satan.
And always Keep that shield of faith up!
God bless!
God wants his children to have friendly debates not boxing matches. 😁
Despite being sexually abused as a kid I have never been suicidal praise God! I got my shield of faith up ALL the time woot! But Satan can hit me hard at times when he twists correction God means for good and makes me think someone is trying to set against me due to their correction. Of course it’s just from insecurity when I feel that way.
Just pray for discernment always. 👍🏼 Ask God to show you if any “correction” comes from his spirit or an evil spirit. Sometimes it’s just abuse and you need to distance yourself A LOT from abusive people. But you will be able to tell right away usually if a correction if from God or it’s life killing words from Satan.
And always Keep that shield of faith up!
God bless!
Why Fasting is Key to the Christian Walk
We need to fast to Stay Humble! Amen.
Here is the number one thing that has always bothered me about church people, gluttony. Some like to point their finger at everyone else but never look in the mirror. That's WHY the world won't listen to you church, because they see your grave hypocrisy! You can't condemn sin in others but be a slave to a sin yourself. Yes we all sin, but we shouldn't be a slave to any sins. We are not to be mastered by anything. Amen.
WHY don't pastors EVER talk about fasting anymore? Only Jentezen Franklin does. He's pretty much the only pastor I've ever heard talk about it, and I've heard Tons of pastors preach in my 20 years of being a Christian. That is very sad for the rest of the pastors out there to never talk about it. But why don't they? I'll tell you why. They don't want to step on people's toes. They don't want to affect how much tithe money comes in. So they don't talk about the MAIN topic that their church needs to hear about.
The only way I learned a lot about fasting was from a book I read when I was 24 called "The Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster. That book inspired me to literally go on a 3 day fast. And then after that I fasted 24 hours on Wednesday of every week for awhile. That book really convinced me that fasting was SO vital to our Christian walk. But if fasting IS so vital to our Christian walk and having victory over our flesh, WHY DON'T more pastors talk about it?
I got a lot of criticism just yesterday here on Facebook just even mentioning that I was fasting. The flaming arrows of Satan came out in many groups, and I knew they would. Everyone is quick to mention the verse where Jesus says don't show it when you fasting. He meant, though, don't make people feel sorry for you when you fast. He didn't say you couldn't even mention you are fasting. But anyone who wants to attack someone even mentioning it seriously has a problem with food.
We all seriously have a problem with food. Think about how MUCH money you spend on food every week. How often do you eat at restaurnats or get fast food? Have you ever really realized how expensive it all can be? And why do we do it? To cater to our flesh. That's IT. That's the number one reason. Because Satan tells us we have to eat or we will die. You won't actually. You can go 30 days without food just like Jesus did. I wouldn't recommend it, but you can.
But it's crazy how much people can be anti-fasting. The only reason they would be anti-fasting is if they are in LOVE with food. I remember in my Christian college one of my teachers said there is a difference between seeing a snickers bar and saying "oh look a snickers bar" vs. "snickers bar....I worship you snickers bar...." And yes that really is the issue with SO many Christians, and so many people in general today. We Worship food. FOOD is our God, Not God. We don't think we do worship food but we do. "Where your treasure is there your heart will be also." Until we see what we do as sin, we won't get better. God said "you shall have NO idols before me." Many, MANY people place food as an idol in their lives. Food is like their best friend. But no, JESUS is your best friend. Amen? Amen. Did food die on a cross for you? No. Jesus did. :)
So I hope you will all consider fasting at least for one day. It really could change your entire life. Seriously. Personally I'm believing God to break the bond of buying stuff on Amazon over me. I have had an Amazon prime membership for about 4 years now and it has REALLY caused a lot of stress in my marriage. My husband many times told me to stop buying things on Amazon but I refused to stop and kept doing it. I was being an Amazon woman by ordering on Amazon. lol. But seriously I was. If my husband ever disrespected me Satan would whisper in my ear, "You deserve to buy something now." I'm sure Satan does the same with husbands. Their wives disrespect them and Satan whispers in their ear, "You deserve to look at porn now."
We need to RID ourselves of this "I deserve" mentality. That is WHY fasting is so key! You don't deserve anything! Let me just give you a wake up call. How many times do you loose your temper with your kids or your spouse? Yeah, point made. You don't deserve anything. Anything you have God has graciously given you because he has forgiven you and he KEEPS forgiving you for all the bad and mean things you do. Don't EVER think you are perfect or that you are BETTER then other people. You aren't. I don't mean to make you get overly down on yourself, but we all have to STAY humble and see the truth about ourselves. Amen? Yes.
So get off your high horse. And stay humble. And love others. And FAST. ;)
May God bless you all!
Fast Your Own Way
God wants me to tell you all, everyone is free to fast in their own way. 👍🏼😁👏🏼 “Where the spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM” amen? 😁
I think it’s however God lays on a person’s heart to fast. Like how many hours or what you should deny yourself or not deny yourself, is up to you. 👍🏼 Go with how God’s spirit is leading You.
The point of fasting is sacrificing something so that you can have a greater peace of mind and more simplicity in life. 😀 Simplicity is a very good thing. “It’s a gift to be simple and a gift to be free.” Amen. That was one of my high school choir songs. 😀
Fasting is a key spiritual discipline because it reminds us it’s about GOD, not us amen! It humbles us. It gives us MUCH greater self control after. It makes us a more gentle and loving person. It makes us WAY more appreciative of the small things in life, like when you do get to eat again. 😀 It kills our flesh. It teaches us how to deny ourselves and carry our cross for Jesus woot! It reminds us to put Others first. amen! It gives us more peace. Fasting improves our self esteem, because it is very much like climbing a mountain. You are proud of yourself because you accomplished something great. 😊 And, most importantly, there is a great increase in Faith after you fast that You Can Overcome Anything! Amen!
Have fun fasting! If you will. And I hope you will. 😁 It actually is fun. Like really. Lol
God will bless you a ton if you do! Take care all! 😀😉👏🏼👍🏼👑🦅🌟🕊🐅🙂😇
Monday, March 4, 2019
Porn is EVIL
Ladies, if your man seems to not respect you, I guantee you he’s looking at porn.
The main issue with porn is not the images. It’s the GREAT lack of respect it causes in men toward women.
Men look at porn because women blow $ on Amazon. But women blow $ on Amazon cuz guys look at porn, which causes disrespect of women.
If you want your spouse to respect you, RESPECT them. 👍🏼
Women struggle with shopping most and men struggle with porn most. In both cases Satan tells us we don’t have enough. Satan says to women “you need more STUFF to be happy.” Satan says to men “you need more women to be happy.” 😔
The main issue with porn is not the images. It’s the GREAT lack of respect it causes in men toward women.
Men look at porn because women blow $ on Amazon. But women blow $ on Amazon cuz guys look at porn, which causes disrespect of women.
If you want your spouse to respect you, RESPECT them. 👍🏼
Women struggle with shopping most and men struggle with porn most. In both cases Satan tells us we don’t have enough. Satan says to women “you need more STUFF to be happy.” Satan says to men “you need more women to be happy.” 😔
Women and Men are 100% Equal!
“Women should keep silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as THE LAW says.” The law no longer says that. Use some common sense people!
Why were women not allowed to teach in church in Paul’s day? Because they were uneducated! I suppose most don’t know that, but they weren’t. Back then girls didn’t even go to school. They literally only helped their moms cook and clean.
THAT was why Paul said women are to remain silent in church and why he said “I do not permit a woman to teach a man.”
That DOES NOT apply today.
What else did Paul say? “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
We are all ONE! We are ALL EQUAL.
Any man who likes to get up on his high horse and say women can’t preach is a complete fool. Sorry but that is a very foolish thing to believe.
Do you not realize, if you are a Gentile, that you TOO used to be seen the same as women in Jewish culture. You were SECOND class also! But Jesus initiated 100% equality for Jews and Gentiles AND for men and women.
Yes men are to be the head of their homes, but men and women have 100% equal value! What a woman wants to say is 100% just as valuable as what a man might want to say.
Yes a man should be the head of a church. Any head pastor should be a man. But women SHOULD BE allowed to preach. It’s ridiculous that women often seemingly aren’t allowed to preach.
What does the Bible say? “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons AND your daughters shall prophesy.” What is prophesying? Preaching! What I am doing right now. 😁😉
Maybe America wouldn’t be on its way to HELL if all these ignorant and chauvinistic men would LET women preach! Can I get an AMEN ladies? All y’all know that women can have more wisdom then men sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.
If you are offended by a woman preaching it’s because you aren’t secure in yourself yet.
A man can have greater physical strength then a woman. That doesn’t bother us women. We enjoy that strength of a man and benefit from it. Why can’t men enjoy it, and also benefit from it, if a woman is more mentally strong?!
Men and women are totally and completely equal, and any person who thinks otherwise is controlled by Satan!
God bless!
Women Matter
Women and Men are 100% Equal!
“Women should keep silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as THE LAW says.” The law no longer says that. Use some common sense people!
Why were women not allowed to teach in church in Paul’s day? Because they were uneducated! I suppose most don’t know that, but they weren’t. Back then girls didn’t even go to school. They literally only helped their moms cook and clean.
THAT was why Paul said women are to remain silent in church and why he said “I do not permit a woman to teach a man.”
That DOES NOT apply today.
What else did Paul say? “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
We are all ONE! We are all equal.
Any man who likes to get up on his high horse and say women can’t preach is a complete fool. Sorry but that is a very foolish thing to believe. Do you not realize, if you are a Gentile, that you TOO used to be seen the SAME as women in Jewish culture. You were second class also! But Jesus initiated 100% equality for Jews and Gentiles AND for men and women.
Yes men are to be the head of their homes, but men and women have 100% equal value! What a woman wants to say is 100% just as valuable as what a man might want to say.
Yes a man should be the head of a church. Any head pastor should be a man. But women SHOULD BE allowed to preach. It’s ridiculous that women often seemingly aren’t allowed to preach.
What does the Bible say? “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons AND daughters shall prophesy.” What is prophesying? Preaching! What I am doing right now. 😁😉
Maybe America wouldn’t be on its way to Hell if all these ignorant and chauvinistic men would LET women preach! Can I get an AMEN ladies? All y’all know that women can have more wisdom then men sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.
If you are offended by a woman preaching it’s because you aren’t secure in yourself yet.
A man can have greater physical strength then a woman. That doesn’t bother us women. We enjoy that strength of a man and benefit from it. Why can’t men enjoy it, and also benefit from it, if a woman is more mentally strong?!
Men and women are totally and completely equal, and any person who thinks otherwise is controlled by Satan!
God bless!
The Best Proverbs
“Blessed (Happy) is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.” 👍🏼👍🏼🌟😄👍🏼👏🏼
“Attend to my words (the Proverbs) incline your ear. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”
“Keep sound wisdom and discretion:
They will be LIFE unto your soul
When you lie down, you will not be afraid.” 👍🏼
“Happy is the man that finds wisdom. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor.” 👍🏼
“Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
It shall be health to your body, and Strength for your bones.”👍🏼
“Blessed (Happy) is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.” 👍🏼👍🏼🌟😄👍🏼👏🏼
“Attend to my words (the Proverbs) incline your ear. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”
“Keep sound wisdom and discretion:
They will be LIFE unto your soul
When you lie down, you will not be afraid.” 👍🏼
“Happy is the man that finds wisdom. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor.” 👍🏼
“Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
It shall be health to your body, and Strength for your bones.”👍🏼
Want to be Rich and Healthy?
Guess what? God really does want us to be rich and healthy. 🙂 Most people just never read Proverbs 😢 so that’s why they don’t see that. We suffer in life often because of our own Lack of wisdom and our own Poor choices, Not because God wants us to suffer. The more wise we are, the Less we will suffer. Amen.
If you walk in wisdom you Will be more healthy and you Will have more money. Why? Because you won’t drink soda or alcohol and we all know both can make you terribly sick. You won’t give in to your flesh all the time and spend a lot of your money on really stupid stuff. You will have a lot more self-control if you have wisdom. So why don’t more people seek after wisdom?
God help us to desire wisdom. You want us to be wise. Help us to be wise. And help us to Want to be wise. Amen!
God Bless!
Sunday, March 3, 2019
😔 Why Church is Boring 😔
I have always been a MUCH bigger fan of small group Bible studies then massive church services.
Why do our churches run the way they do? Could it be that Satan has a big grip on us through the traditions of our churches?
We do things the way they have always been done because they have always been done that way. But is that the way Church was meant to be?
Does anyone remember anything their pastor said each week? No. Probably not. Honestly. And Why not? Because it’s a lecture and not a discussion. People almost never remember a lecture because our mind is barely engaged in a lecture. Our mind goes half asleep in a lecture. But a discussion! That is where there is life and real growth! That is when things are remembered forever and true life change can happen!
Was not the original church in Acts a group of people where Every Single Person had a voice? It was much more like an active group discussion then a lecture. So WHY now is it only the pastor’s voice that is heard in church?
Is church really church? Can we really say church is church, as God intended it to be?
Think about it.
What did Paul say church was supposed to look like? “When you come together, EACH of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.”
This is why the program Celebrate Recovery is such a beautiful program because EACH person really Can have a voice. Every two weeks anyone can give their testimony. In groups anyone can share a word to inspire others. Isn’t that what normal church SHOULD look like? Yes. So why doesn’t it? Hm...
I think it is time to seriously fast and pray for our American churches to look more like church, as God intended it to be. Maybe our society wouldn’t be falling down the drain if we actually let Every person in the church talk and share and not just the pastor. 🤔
May God open doors for this to happen!
And read Francis Chan’s book “Letters to the Churches.” It’s great!
May God bless you! 😁👏🏼
I have always been a MUCH bigger fan of small group Bible studies then massive church services.
Why do our churches run the way they do? Could it be that Satan has a big grip on us through the traditions of our churches?
We do things the way they have always been done because they have always been done that way. But is that the way Church was meant to be?
Does anyone remember anything their pastor said each week? No. Probably not. Honestly. And Why not? Because it’s a lecture and not a discussion. People almost never remember a lecture because our mind is barely engaged in a lecture. Our mind goes half asleep in a lecture. But a discussion! That is where there is life and real growth! That is when things are remembered forever and true life change can happen!
Was not the original church in Acts a group of people where Every Single Person had a voice? It was much more like an active group discussion then a lecture. So WHY now is it only the pastor’s voice that is heard in church?
Is church really church? Can we really say church is church, as God intended it to be?
Think about it.
What did Paul say church was supposed to look like? “When you come together, EACH of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.”
This is why the program Celebrate Recovery is such a beautiful program because EACH person really Can have a voice. Every two weeks anyone can give their testimony. In groups anyone can share a word to inspire others. Isn’t that what normal church SHOULD look like? Yes. So why doesn’t it? Hm...
I think it is time to seriously fast and pray for our American churches to look more like church, as God intended it to be. Maybe our society wouldn’t be falling down the drain if we actually let Every person in the church talk and share and not just the pastor. 🤔
May God open doors for this to happen!
And read Francis Chan’s book “Letters to the Churches.” It’s great!
May God bless you! 😁👏🏼
Christians and Possession
What an awesome testimony this is! Thank you friend!
“Christians can be possessed by demons when they let their vocational practices slip away; stop praying, stop talking to Jesus, stop reading His Word, stop attending church, stop serving others. It says man will live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Once all these things are stopped, and then sin is allowed to run rampant, God apparently will allow us to deal with the consequences of our riotous rebellion. I am speaking from direct experience with demonic possession after being saved. The cure is to return to Christ and start to read God's Word and do all those things we had stopped doing. Some demons are very hard to get rid of once they are on board. It took me 14 years to get rid of all the demonic elements and entities that I accumulated from practicing witchcraft for 3 years. It took a lot more than time; extensive prayer, repentance, service to others, confession, and meditating on God's Word. What finally cleared the air completely was when I started reading in the four Gospels every day for about 2 hours for a month. Finally, the 'familiar spirit' left me. I had felt its pulse and the cold chill of its breath for years and I was greatly relieved to be set free at last.”
This is why Facebook, where she shared this, is the BEST church I think, cuz how often do churches let testimonies be shared anymore? Not very often. 😢🤔
Praise God for this great testimony! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Satan Throwing Rocks
It really is amazing how MUCH Satan tries to take out each of us, if he can, and silence us. It’s sad 😢 that God let’s Satan throw so many rocks at us Christians, but I think it’s because God Only wants those who will overcome. And YOU CAN overcome! Amen!!!
What Rocks does Satan throw?
Childhood sexual abuse is probably his biggest bolder he throws at people, to try to take them out from the beginning. To corrupt them and their minds from day 1. 😢 That also makes many, many people suicidal later in life. But YOU CAN overcome! Amen!
A loved one dying suddenly is a huge bolder! But YOU CAN overcome! Amen!
Satan inspires people we care about the most to attack us mercilessly and viciously. But YOU CAN overcome amen!
Friends might abandon you. But YOU CAN overcome!
Life is hard and we might often get sick. But YOU CAN overcome! Amen!
And, what you think is, your own voice in your head telling you that you are worthless. But that is Satan’s voice and YOU CAN overcome! Amen!
People might think I never hear voices telling me I’m worthless or stupid or small. But no, I hear them. I just IGNORE them. Amen?
So please also ignore all those evil voices in your head! And the evil voices of friends temporarily inspired by Satan around you. Ignore the Rocks! “Fear of man proves to be a snare.” DON’T fear man and DON’T fear Satan. Fear God and God alone amen!
May God bless you!
Keep Being a Light
I don’t even know how many tines people have attacked me because Satan directly inspires them to attack me. I think I’m a pretty good writer for God, and so Satan attacks me a ton as a result and tries to stop me. Please pray for me. 😞
I think that’s why so many are to scared to shine for Jesus, 😢 because maybe they tried to shine for Jesus a few times and Satan attacked them, scared them and then silenced them. 😭
Well Satan might as well give up trying to silence me now cuz this girl is never going to give up writing about God amen! Praise God! “He who is in me is greater then he who is in the world!” Amen!
I love what I heard in a sermon once. If you shine a bright light in this dark dark world some will be drawn to that light, but others will try to put your light out. They used an analogy of haters throwing rocks at a light bulb to put it out. And yes haters WILL throw rocks at you. Guaranteed. Satan WILL inspire people to attack you as much as possible and try to bring you down when you shine for Jesus. But does that mean you should stop? No! For me all that does is throws more lighter fluid on my fire. Woot! The attacks only fuel my light even brighter. Why? Because the more Satan Attacks me the more I KNOW I’m onto something and speaking the truth that Satan Doesn’t Want People to Hear! Amen.
So since Satan attacked me So Much about my last post I’ll say it all again, 😁👍🏼👏🏼 if you want to be the most on fire and holy Christian that you can be, listen to Joyce Meyer all day. 😁 Yeah! Going to church for an hour once a week is nothing. What do you do with the other 111 hours of your week??? If you sleep 8 hours a day then that’s 111 waking hours you could be listening to Joyce Meyer or TD Jakes or Steven Furtick. But MOST of our waking hours we live Only for our flesh. “What will I eat next?” Is a constant thought for most. How about what of God’s word will you eat next? How can I train my mind better to be like Christ? What else can I learn about how to be a better Christian? Because you have never learned all that you can, amen!
Where the mind goes the man follows. Focus on training your mind to stay FIXATED on God 24/7 and the rest of your life will go Much, much better amen! Praise God!
Now go listen to a Joyce Meyer sermon woot!
May God bless you all!
Saturday, March 2, 2019
I had an experience about 5 years ago that was really crazy. I woke up in the middle of the night to a pressure like feeling on my face. I said aloud "God, Jesus, Holy Spirit" and whatever it was left. I think it was a demon trying to get in, but as far as I know, demons cannot possess an actual Christian. "A house divided cannot stand." "God is light and in him there is no darkness at all." "If God is for us who can be against us." There is not a verse that explicitly says we can't be possessed but I really don't think we as Christians can be.
More on demons, someone I was with before had an ex wife that I am pretty sure was demon possessed. There was a picture of her and him where he was holding their first baby. Her eyes were very dark in the picture, almost black. But her eyes were actually a light blue because she was blonde.
I asked Roger once how his son got his blue eyes since Roger had dark brown eyes himself. He said his ex had blue eyes. I said "no in the picture of her they were really dark brown."
In horror movies whenever someone is possessed they have really dark eyes. Hollywood gets their ideas from reality. Anything in a horror movie most likely actually happened or else how would they have the idea of it to put it in a movie? That is why horror movies really freak me out so much, cause all of that stuff probably actually happened. I don't think it's just someone's imagination. They pull the ideas from reality and things that really happen.
The darkness in the eyes is like an unnatural darkness. Be on the look out for that. When someone has eyes that seem unnaturally dark. It usually means something is going on in the spirit realm and they may be possessed. Stay away.
Eyes are a window to our soul. You can tell a lot about someone from their eyes. Like some people you can see they have a lot of fear, in their eyes. For myself I think I have sad eyes and that is probably because of all I have been through. I always say I feel more like a grandma really because of everything I've been through in life already. And I feel like I've already raised like 100 kids through all my jobs working with kids. lol For some you can see a lot of anger in their eyes. For some depression and hopelessness. For some pain.
Try really looking at people's eyes. You can see a lot if you really look. 🙂
God bless! :)
Flipping 180
Why I think it’s possible for salvation to be lost: for one, the parable of the seeds. Also my biological dad was originally good. He was a Christian when my mom met him when she was 20. They went to church A Lot. But then he decided to flip 180 and become bad and started wanting to molest children. Of course it could be said he was never saved to begin with. I suppose only God knows. But I know many stories of people starting off good and then flipping 180 and heading toward darkness instead of toward the light. I’m sure you have all heard stories like that as well. Un-testimonies. It’s exciting to hear testimonies where people flip 180 toward God but what about un-testimonies where people flip 180 away from God? Why does that happen?
I think it’s good for all us Christians to have a healthy fear of this so that we can make sure it never happens to us. That’s why it’s so key to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” To listen to Christian radio or Hillsong on YouTube 24/7. You have to Abide in Christ constantly in order to maintain the mind of Christ and Keep your mind renewed.
You can’t ever get lazy and let your mind slip into the darkness.
Also listening to a Joyce Meyer sermon every day would greatly benefit anyone. 👍🏼 Anyone who wants to be serious about staying on the straight and narrow path should listen to Joyce Meyer every day. 😁 She is the Most challenging preacher out there, I think. She is the main one who can help a person maintain a fear of the Lord, which is key to maintaining our salvation.
We aren’t saved initially by our works. We are saved by grace. But we maintain our faith by works, by Effort. “Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by What I Do.” 👍🏼
If you don’t realize the Christian walk is meant to require Great Effort of us you haven’t read the entire Bible. 😉
The Christian walk is Not jumping in a lazy river and floating down stream. It’s walking uphill, Against the wind. It’s Joining The Army, not joining some wimpy social club. 😡 You can’t be a wimp and be a Christian. The cowardly will not make it to heaven. “As for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.” You can’t be a coward and be a Christian.
Just making it to church every Sunday isn’t enough. That is Nothing. God requires much more of us then that! Satan fools so many people into thinking that is enough, and then they slip into the darkness. Why would just 2 hours on Sunday be all that God that requires of you? No. God requires All of your time!
God wants us to pray Without ceasing. God wants us to love people 24/7 even when it isn’t easy. God wants us to be there for people and not always be super selfish. He requires that you die to yourself and serve Him with your whole heart 24/7. He requires that you are kind and respectful to others 24/7.
You can’t take a minute off with God. You don’t want to be like the 5 virgins that didn’t have oil in their lamps when The bridegroom comes, Jesus. How do you keep oil in your lamp? By listening to worship music and a sermon every single day. Keep your oil changed so the car of your spiritual soul Won’t Ever break down. 😁👍🏼
Don’t ever let yourself flip 180. “Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you, man of God, flee from all this.” 👍🏼
Turning toward the darkness is serious and it can happen and it Does happen, all the time. Abide In Christ 24/7 and that will never happen to you. 🙂
God bless!
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