Saturday, March 2, 2019


I had an experience about 5 years ago that was really crazy.  I woke up in the middle of the night to a pressure like feeling on my face.  I said aloud "God, Jesus, Holy Spirit" and whatever it was left.  I think it was a demon trying to get in, but as far as I know, demons cannot possess an actual Christian.  "A house divided cannot stand."  "God is light and in him there is no darkness at all."  "If God is for us who can be against us."  There is not a verse that explicitly says we can't be possessed but I really don't think we as Christians can be.

More on demons, someone I was with before had an ex wife that I am pretty sure was demon possessed.  There was a picture of her and him where he was holding their first baby.  Her eyes were very dark in the picture, almost black.  But her eyes were actually a light blue because she was blonde.  

I asked Roger once how his son got his blue eyes since Roger had dark brown eyes himself.  He said his ex had blue eyes.  I said "no in the picture of her they were really dark brown."

In horror movies whenever someone is possessed they have really dark eyes.  Hollywood gets their ideas from reality.  Anything in a horror movie most likely actually happened or else how would they have the idea of it to put it in a movie?  That is why horror movies really freak me out so much, cause all of that stuff probably actually happened.  I don't think it's just someone's imagination.  They pull the ideas from reality and things that really happen.  

The darkness in the eyes is like an unnatural darkness.  Be on the look out for that.  When someone has eyes that seem unnaturally dark.  It usually means something is going on in the spirit realm and they may be possessed.  Stay away.  

Eyes are a window to our soul.  You can tell a lot about someone from their eyes.  Like some people you can see they have a lot of fear, in their eyes.  For myself I think I have sad eyes and that is probably because of all I have been through.  I always say I feel more like a grandma really because of everything I've been through in life already.  And I feel like I've already raised like 100 kids through all my jobs working with kids.  lol  For some you can see a lot of anger in their eyes.  For some depression and hopelessness.  For some pain.  

Try really looking at people's eyes.  You can see a lot if you really look. 🙂  

God bless! :)

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