Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Why Fasting is Key to the Christian Walk

We need to fast to Stay Humble! Amen.

Here is the number one thing that has always bothered me about church people, gluttony.  Some like to point their finger at everyone else but never look in the mirror.  That's WHY the world won't listen to you church, because they see your grave hypocrisy!  You can't condemn sin in others but be a slave to a sin yourself.  Yes we all sin, but we shouldn't be a slave to any sins. We are not to be mastered by anything.  Amen.

WHY don't pastors EVER talk about fasting anymore? Only Jentezen Franklin does.  He's pretty much the only pastor I've ever heard talk about it, and I've heard Tons of pastors preach in my 20 years of being a Christian. That is very sad for the rest of the pastors out there to never talk about it.  But why don't they? I'll tell you why. They don't want to step on people's toes.  They don't want to affect how much tithe money comes in.  So they don't talk about the MAIN topic that their church needs to hear about.

The only way I learned a lot about fasting was from a book I read when I was 24 called "The Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster.  That book inspired me to literally go on a 3 day fast.  And then after that I fasted 24 hours on Wednesday of every week for awhile.  That book really convinced me that fasting was SO vital to our Christian walk.  But if fasting IS so vital to our Christian walk and having victory over our flesh, WHY DON'T more pastors talk about it? 

I got a lot of criticism just yesterday here on Facebook just even mentioning that I was fasting.  The flaming arrows of Satan came out in many groups, and I knew they would.  Everyone is quick to mention the verse where Jesus says don't show it when you fasting.  He meant, though, don't make people feel sorry for you when you fast.  He didn't say you couldn't even mention you are fasting.  But anyone who wants to attack someone even mentioning it seriously has a problem with food.

We all seriously have a problem with food.  Think about how MUCH money you spend on food every week.  How often do you eat at restaurnats or get fast food?  Have you ever really realized how expensive it all can be?  And why do we do it?  To cater to our flesh.  That's IT.  That's the number one reason.  Because Satan tells us we have to eat or we will die.  You won't actually.  You can go 30 days without food just like Jesus did.  I wouldn't recommend it, but you can.

But it's crazy how much people can be anti-fasting.  The only reason they would be anti-fasting is if they are in LOVE with food.  I remember in my Christian college one of my teachers said there is a difference between seeing a snickers bar and saying "oh look a snickers bar" vs. "snickers bar....I worship you snickers bar...."  And yes that really is the issue with SO many Christians, and so many people in general today.  We Worship food.  FOOD is our God, Not God. We don't think we do worship food but we do.  "Where your treasure is there your heart will be also." Until we see what we do as sin, we won't get better.  God said "you shall have NO idols before me."  Many, MANY people place food as an idol in their lives.  Food is like their best friend.  But no, JESUS is your best friend.  Amen?  Amen.  Did food die on a cross for you?  No. Jesus did. :)

So I hope you will all consider fasting at least for one day.  It really could change your entire life.  Seriously. Personally I'm believing God to break the bond of buying stuff on Amazon over me.  I have had an Amazon prime membership for about 4 years now and it has REALLY caused a lot of stress in my marriage.  My husband many times told me to stop buying things on Amazon but I refused to stop and kept doing it.  I was being an Amazon woman by ordering on Amazon. lol.  But seriously I was. If my husband ever disrespected me Satan would whisper in my ear, "You deserve to buy something now."  I'm sure Satan does the same with husbands.  Their wives disrespect them and Satan whispers in their ear, "You deserve to look at porn now." 

We need to RID ourselves of this "I deserve" mentality.  That is WHY fasting is so key!  You don't deserve anything!  Let me just give you a wake up call.  How many times do you loose your temper with your kids or your spouse?  Yeah, point made.  You don't deserve anything.  Anything you have God has graciously given you because he has forgiven you and he KEEPS forgiving you for all the bad and mean things you do.  Don't EVER think you are perfect or that you are BETTER then other people.  You aren't.  I don't mean to make you get overly down on yourself, but we all have to STAY humble and see the truth about ourselves.  Amen?  Yes.

So get off your high horse.  And stay humble.  And love others. And FAST. ;)

May God bless you all!

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