Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 We so often let fear paralyze us

But in God we need to trust 

"Many are called, but few are chosen"

Are you one of the few?

Let God transform your mind anew

What does he want you to do?

Make the world know him

Rescue them from a body of sin 

What is next for you who knows?

But God's wish is that you grow 

Get ready for the trip of a lifetime 

Because this world is in a bind

Rise up superman and see 

What God hopes you will come to see 

This life is just a vapor of smoke 

How much longer will you toke?

Let it all go and preach!

Many others we could teach 

Maybe to Iran we will go 

Today or tomorrow, who knows

Don't get lost in your sorrow 

It's time to live and save the lost


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