Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 My man loves to give away tons 

It makes me feel undone 

"Do not close your ears to the poor"

I know, but if broke life is a bore 

What is the point of saving right?

Except if you don't save, money is tight

Dads say, "The love of money is

The root of all evil kids."

It's easy to love money having a kid 

I want clothes and toys and a hat

But I already have all that 

Money, money such a pitfall

Loving it will make you lose it all

"Pride goes before a fall" 

Like sinking sand greed suffocates you

Until you become someone new 

You want more and more

So your man you pretend to adore 

How much money is enough?

I'll let you know if I get it 

But only "with food and clothing 

We should be content"


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