Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Dream

 There is a man who I admire 

It would appear that he is sweet 

Running away with him would be neat 

Traveling the world would be a treat

I would love to talk to him in the sun 

His handsome hair is very fun 

I would love to be his best friend 

But who knows, it may end 

Or it could last forever, I could say 

If we both love soaking up those sun rays 

It would be fun to see what we would do 

A power couple who loves to talk 

Many places we could walk 

And save everyone all around us 

He has the fire I've often had 

It has always made me very glad 

He is the first other person who's had it 

His eyes shine like God has lit

A beautiful Holy Spirit passion 

All those I've known have been dead 

Maybe my books they could have read

I want to join his fire and see 

What we possibly could be 

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