Saturday, April 23, 2016

Be Affected or Affect Others

Every day we can make a decision, will we let others determine how our day will go, or will we determine how our own day will go and possibly those around us?  Will we let the bad mood of others ruin our day, or will we try to brighten everyone around us with our own good mood?

Some people act like life is floating down a lazy river.  They just jump on a inner tube and sit and wait for things to happen around them.  Then when they get their inner tube flipped over they get mad and wonder why it happened.  It's because if you don't take initiative on things, things you don't want to happen, WILL happen.  "Eat or be eaten" really is how the world works. 

We can either passively let everyone else affect us, make decisions for us, and then get frustrated when we don't get anything we want.  Or we can take life by the horns and do things that we want to do. 

We can either let others determine our future or we can determine our own future, with God's help of course.  But don't let others tell you what God is supposedly telling them to tell you.  Seek God for yourself on what great plans he has for you.  God DOES speak to us.  Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice."  If you are one of his sheep, you WILL hear his voice, for yourself.

On any given day, instead of letting others affect your mood for the day, how about you affect other people's moods?  Instead of letting some jerk cutting you off in traffic ruin your whole day or steal your joy, why don't you compliment a few people and brighten their day?  Rather than be affected, affect others with love.  Don't just be a victim and let others bring you down, focus on bringing others up.  Focus on others, not yourself.

Either you can float down life on an inner tube in a lazy river, or you can get off the darn inner tube and start walking against the current.  Stop being passive and lazy and make things happen, because if you don't, you might just end up hating your entire life.  You might one day look back and only have regrets, because you never made anything happen that you wanted to make happen.

Don't be lazy in life.  If you want something, go get it.  If you want to write, write.  If you want be a dancer or something, dance.  If you want to go back to school, then go.  Don't wait to let other people determine what you will or won't do.  If you want something, do it.  Get it done.  Don't wait for someone to hand your dream to you.  Either you have to make your dream happen, or it won't happen.  As Thoreau said, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately."  Live life deliberately.  Don't float through life, walk upstream and get the things you want.  You can't fulfill your God given destiny if you don't put forth any effort to achieve it. 

God bless

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