Saturday, April 23, 2016

Job List

Here's all the jobs I've had for the last 17 years for any interested.  This kinda shows how picky I can be when it comes to work.  I'm always searching for the perfect job, which I know doesn't exist, but I still always think the next one will be perfect or at least better lol.  But it also shows how many friends I've made along the way of  life, which has been great!  I love all of you that I have gotten to work with!  You're all great! :)   And this long list also shows how old I am lol.  I'm 31 and I've been working since I was 14. 

My first job at 14 was as a summer camp counselor at Carden Heights of Orange.  That was a ton of fun.  I realized in that job that I am great with kids.  Pool days were always fun.  I became a human jungle gym in the water with kids climbing all over me lol.  And almost every day we watched a Goofy Movie in the afternoon.  The kids LOVED that movie.

My second job at 15 was at Petco.  I enjoyed that a lot since I've always been an animal lover big time!  I was in charge of the rodent department and cashiering. :)

My third job at 16 was at Cold stone.  That was fun for the most part.  Ice cream has always been my favorite food and we got to sing silly songs sometimes which was fun. 

My fourth job at 18 was at Office Depot.  I stayed there till I was about 21 actually and loved my co workers there so much!  It really felt like a family there.

Then I worked as a tutor at tutoring centers and driving to student's homes for junior high math and SAT tutoring in writing and reading.  I also did house cleaning during this time when I was in college.

After college I had three jobs at once actually, at Barnes and Noble, Mervyn's (which is like Target kinda) and a tutoring center/after school care center with grade school kids.  Those were all lots of fun. :)

Then I worked as a summer camp counselor with junior high students and got to go to water parks and Disneyland for free.  That was awesome!

Then I was a Junior high English teacher for a year at the same school as my first job at 14, Carden Heights of Orange.  I also helped with the after school care there.  There were lots of great kids at that school and it was tons of fun. :)

Then I worked at a summer camp again as a counselor and this time in charge of 4th graders.

Then I worked at a preschool for the first time, in charge of one year olds, then two year olds and then as a floater covering breaks in all the rooms, infants through kindergarten.  That gave me amazing and wonderful experience for now having kids and knowing how to watch over kids at their different stages of learning.  I learned a LOT from the women I worked with and a huge THANK YOU to all of them!  I wouldn't be the mom I am today if I hadn't worked with all those great women!  Every girl/woman who plans to have kids should work at a preschool for awhile to be the best prepared for being a mom.  There is no better place to train for the most important job of your life, motherhood!  Amen.

Then I worked on a cruise ship watching the kids.  Ages 3 to 7, or 7 to 12, or 13 to 18.  For a month on Mexico cruises and 3 months on the Alaska cruise.  I have done the Alaska cruise 12 times lol.  The first couple times it was cool.  After that it got kinda old cause the sun almost never comes out in Alaska, which was very depressing. :(  Especially hard for me being from sunny, Southern Cali. lol  My favorite age group was the 7 to 12 year olds.  Pictionary and Charades were always tons and tons of fun to play with them.  The high school age group was kinda difficult, which made me realize my goal of teaching high school was probably not a good goal for me. :)

My next jobs were at various pre-schools.  I kept having really hard kids in each class so I tried different pre-schools.  All it takes is one kid in each class to make all the kids go crazy really, which is always a big challenge. 

Then I delivered pizza for pizza hut.  Which was actually the most money I've made at any job.  You make minimum wage plus at least $10 an hour in tips.  That was awesome!

Then I worked at Applebee's as a waitress and then Chili's and a Christian bookstore.  Those were all fun. :)

Then I worked at a call center for student loans.  That was interesting.  It was pretty awesome making $16 an hour to just sit and talk on the phone for sure!

Then I worked at another pre-school and now waitressing again. :)

And that has been all my job experiences.  I'm glad I got to have so many awesome experiences with so many awesome people and great kids.  I loved all my jobs and all my co workers and bosses.  I'm sure I will have many more great jobs to come in the future.  yay! :)  Being a substitute teacher might be my next job goal actually.  That should be interesting. :)

May God bless yall! 

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