Thursday, September 29, 2016

Answers to Prayer

I love a story Francis Chan tells often of how God answers his prayers.  He said he was out golfing with friends one day but wasn't doing as well because he didn't have some special driver.  So he was praying about it and that he would want one.  Then the next day he was preaching at a church and the pastor there randomly gave him exactly that, what he had been praying about.  Pretty awesome for sure.  It just showed him that God really cares about him. :)

And here is my own little miracle story.  Mine is about how I met Ben.  I had moved to Kansas City to live with a friend about 4 years ago.  My fiancé had died about 5 months before that.  I was missing him and feeling very single and alone.  On Valentine's Day I went to get notecards at CVS to write Bible verses on to memorize.  I saw all the cute Valentine's Day gifts and was thinking how sad it would be that no one would be getting one for me that year.  I went home and started crying in my car.  I was asking God to please bring me another great guy like my fiancé that had died.  Then I emailed my now husband along with some other random guys on a dating website, just a simple "hey how are you?"  Two weeks later Ben emailed me back, we talked on the phone, and I knew just after that first phone conversation that he was God's answer to my prayer.  I knew he was the one.  They say when you know you know and I did.  I was overjoyed.  I remember thinking while talking to him on the phone, "Wow finally!  Finally a guy who loves God as much as I do!"  He read some poems to me that he wrote to God and I could see he really, really loved God.  I actually was balling as he read them because I was so amazed how perfect he was for me. lol

So that was my biggest answer to prayer.  That I cried out to God for something and two weeks later God answered my prayer.

But a lesson in that is that you can't just pray for something and do nothing yourself.  Like you can't pray that God will send you a wife or husband and not at least try an online dating site or go somewhere where you might meet someone.  You have to do something and God will do the rest. :) Amen.  May God answer at least one of your big prayers too so you can know how much he loves you too!  God bless! :)

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