Thursday, January 2, 2020

Allergy Torture :(

God seems to let us experience pain so we will remember how much we need him.  I think he likes to remind us of our frailty also, at times.  Not so he can laugh at us.  But so that we will run to him.
Allergy headaches are that thing for me.  They sure do keep me humble.  I cannot even even count the number of bad allergy headaches I have had in my lifetime.  I do somewhat blame them on all the vaccines I got.  Vaccines Can make allergies much worse then they would have been for you naturally.  Also I read Austin, where I live, is the allergy capital of the U.S. thanks to all the Cedar trees here.  I have referred to their effect as mustard gas being in the air every winter.  It seems like it's mustard gas. :( I have done everything on high Cedar days to feel better; taking a hot bath, running a humidifier, drinking coffee...Those help some but it's still painful.  Since I picked up smoking, smoking actually helps my headaches to feel better.  It's hard to say if that or taking an Advil is better. One can cause cancer and the other ulcers. hm...
I love how Joyce Meyer says when you follow God sometimes that means staying in places you would rather run away from or leaving places where you would prefer to stay.  I love my house but yeah, the Cedar in this area is a killer.  May God lead and guide me and my fiance on where to live and when. 
But on the other hand I feel like God is saying I can stay in this house forever.  Not sure how.  Every time I pray and ask God how long me and Josh can live here I feel like God says "forever."  And I'm like "Really? How?  God I believe but help me in my unbelief."  When my ex and I bought this house I had thought I would get to live here forever.  That would be nice, that's for sure. The Cedar in the area is hard, but other then that I have never loved a place I have lived in more.  The neighborhood is gorgeous.  I had always dreamed of having my own house in a beautiful neighborhood like mine is.  My neighbors are all really great people.  Praise God for them. :)
I'm trying to stay in faith that that will be possible.  One possible thing I was thinking was maybe I could get hired to be a teacher somewhere finally and I could buy this house, or have it in my name and make the payments on it.  Or maybe Josh's parents could help us to be able to stay here.  That would be cool. :)
We have a back up plan though.  There is an apartment in Belton in a perfect location we are thinking of moving to, and a couple nice rent houses up there that could work.
This line of my fav song brings me comfort in this time, "Even when I don't see it you're working.  Even when I don't feel it you're working."
Maybe God just had me go through this process of a house possibly foreclosing because thousands of other people go through this at some time in their life. Now I can say I know what that's like.  I can add that to my list of hard times I can relate to others on.
If you have gone through that we both know what it's like now. ;)

God loves you all! Try to stay in faith that good things will happen to you, even when times seem hard.  And always believe that God is working things out for your good if you love him, because he is.  God bless! :)

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