Sunday, November 8, 2020

My Dad and Brother

This might help some of you in some way.....

Here are things about my dad, who was a child molester most of his life.  He was super critical. He used to correct me and my brother's grammar all the time. He wrote my brother a horrible letter when Nate was in his teens literally telling him he was worthless etc. because he was gothic and kept changing jobs etc. My dad was always nice to me cuz I was his princess. I suppose my whole life, from the time I was born, my dad had a crush on me, which is really weird, but I guess he struggled with a lot of demons. The last time I talked to my dad was when I was 21, so that was 14 years ago. He was always kind of verbally abusive.

He wanted me to call him every Sunday, so I did from the time I was 14 to age 21. My mom and I had moved away from him when I was 14, from Nebraska to California, so it was good I got that distance. So every Sunday we would "talk." He never asked me about my life. It would just be him talking about random crap for like an hour. I guess that's why I almost never talk on the phone now cuz he kind of ruined that for me. :( So overall my dad was really messed up.

My older brother had the nickname "psycho" for awhile in our town in Nebraska. He used to steal my mom's car at night and go over to girls' houses a lot. He got a girl pregnant when he was 19 and she was like 16. He proposed after he found out she was pregnant, but she didn't want anything to do with him. I don't know why. She then made his life hell with barely letting him see his son. It is still tense between them sadly. He is engaged now to a great girl. She is very nice. They met in the National Guard about 5 years ago. Overall my older brother is really nice and I miss him. He lives in Nebraska. I have thought several times of moving up there with Nate and his fiance but haven't yet.

I always wished I had a sister. But it was nice having an older brother to always watch out for me. He was more like my dad then my dad was. In many ways, my older brother was basically my dad. He gave me my first car, my first big stereo, my first ipod etc. He was the best big brother a girl could have asked for. :)

It really is sad how mean my dad was to him his entire life cuz Nate always had a really, really good heart. He deserved to have a MUCH better dad then he did. So did I too of course. But shit happens.

Pray for my brother Nate please. That the rest of his life will be very happy. Thanks all. :)

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