Sunday, November 8, 2020

My Mom

 For any interested here is some about my mom. She was always very, very cold. I never knew my mom loved me, like my entire life until still currently. She probably never should have had kids. She is very selfish. She thinks she is a queen and that the rest of the world needs to bow down to her. She has struggled with clinical depression her whole life, but I know it's just because she is so selfish. She is in love with herself and she can't, or won't, love anyone else. She says she is Christian but I have always been pretty sure she isn't. She has been suicidal for the past year. I think because she feels so bad that she married my step dad and he was messing with my daughter. She would rather kill herself then live alone I guess. I know she knows that she should leave him but she won't.

On a positive note, I have her to thank for raising me in church and I'm glad she did. That was the one good thing she did was that she made me go to church every Sunday and Wednesday. There isn't much else she has done that was good, sadly. She has only brought significant stress to my life almost my entire life. I have only talked to her like 3 times on the phone in the past year, but that has been good. I very much needed to distance myself from her.

My grandma, her mom, was raised in an orphanage from age 3 to 18 so that messed my grandma up a lot, and I've always figured that's why my mom has so many problems. Of course my mom having to go through my dad sexually molesting me as a kid messed her up a lot too. I wish my mom and I could have a good friendship, but we have never really been able to.

Pray for my mom please. Thanks all!

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