Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 I can't seem to stop thinking about smoking so I might as well write about it.  I have now gone 48 hours without a cigarette. Woot!  I am very proud of myself.  I have noticed that my stomach pain has gone away.  I always thought my almost constant stomach pain was from drinking coffee and that hurt my stomach, but no, it was the smoking. 

It seems like an excellent diet plan because often times when you are hungry you can just smoke a cigarette and you are good.  That was the main part of the appeal for me, because I have never enjoyed eating very much.  Except the Christmas butter cookies you can get in those blue tins.  I enjoy eating those. :) But most food I'm just like whatever.  It doesn't have much appeal to me.  I eat because I have to, not because I want to.  So with smoking it was an easy way to fill my stomach without eating.  But it's not healthy, obviously.  Although I did read that smoking can make you feel more alert and prevent Parkinson's.  But for the most part, it's not healthy.  

Also smoking was a nice excuse to get outside more.  I would always sense God saying to me, "You know you can sit outside Without smoking right?" And I would be like, "Yeah that's true."

The appeal with smoking began with me way back when I was 12.  I smoked because all the older kids in my town did and I wanted to appear older.  I always couldn't Wait to grow up and be an adult.  So I did it to look older and cool.  Now when I picked up smoking again a year ago I did it to feel young again. lol.  

I might as well write about smoking pot too.  I have only smoked pot 4 times in my life.  2 times at age 16 with a boyfriend and 2 times about a year ago.  Each time I was thinking, "What is the point?"  You don't really remember much from when you are high so what is the point of getting high?  I have also not cared much about it because I don't want to break the law.  I try to be a law abiding citizen as much as possible.  Therefore, pot has never appealed to me that much. If I ever move to Colorado maybe I would smoke it, but not when I live in any state where it's illegal.  I don't think I would enjoy prison much. :)

So that has been my journey with smoking.  I have never tried any hard drugs.  I wrote about drinking in my last blog.  I have always tried to be a one drink person. 

Mostly I just listen to music and write to de-stress.  That has worked best for me for about 29 years now so that has been nice. :) 

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I smoked years ago, decided to quit, I was wasting money! I live in a state where pot is legal and at times my hubby and I enjoy it, it has MANY benefits. We take the edibles. My mom smoked for 30 plus years, two to three packs a day! Then one day she quit cold turkey never went back to it. Praise the Lord! You can do it Lisa I am praying for you and Jesus will strengthen you and don't condemn yourself if you fair, keep trying!
