Saturday, December 19, 2015

Money Personalities

Here is something interesting that I read about in a book once that might help some people to understand others that they know. I read it in a marriage book I think. It's about the four different ways that people can view money.

One person might view money as security. They look at a dollar bill and see security. They are very motivated to save for the future. I think this might be the phlegmatic or golden retriever personality. They have fears abou...t the future, and more fears in general then other personalities, and so saving is very, very important to them. They look to money to feel security. The more money they have saved, the less fearful they are about the future. 
Another personality, and this is mine, views money as a way to communicate love. The more they love others, the more money they give them or the more things they buy them. They also feel that the more others love them the more money they will give them etc. To them money equals love. Love is a way of expressing love. This would be the sanguine or otter personality type.

Another personality type might view money as a means to feel more significant than others. This would be the choleric or lion personality. They use money to buy things that will give them a higher societal status such as gold jewelry, nicer cars, bigger houses etc. How others view them and how much they are respected is very important to them. To them money means power. They use money in a way to get power or to seem more powerful.

Then lastly there is the person that uses money almost in the same way that an alcoholic uses alcohol. It is a way to self medicate. If they are feeling stressed or depressed, they spend money to make themselves feel better. This would be the melancholic or beaver personality type.

Hopefully that helped you understand others you know more in how they view and use money. God bless! :)

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